Sun, Feb 17, 2019 - 42K - 04:29:43
Sevilla Marathon
This was my third marathon in Spain after Madrid in 2013 and Barcelona in 2015. I flew to Málaga, then took a train up here so got to see some of the Andalusian countryside. Sevilla was a much larger city than I thought, endless narrow streets. 
I picked up my running number on Friday at the Fibes conference center. If you ever run the Sevilla Marathon, take Bus LE from Prado de San Sebastian, or Bus 27 from Plaza Del Duque. It took me awhile to figure that out. Other than that, everything was well organized in this marathon. 
Sunday, race day, was cool in the morning at the start (9°C) and sunny and warm at the finish (21°C). I was at 5K right at 30:00 and kept that pace through 10K, 15K, 20K, 25K and 30K, which as always, heralded the drop from 100% leg energy, coming through 35K at 4 minutes over pace and 40K at 12 minutes over pace, but I was able to power it in for a respectable sub-04:30 time, now back in the 04:20s as I was back in 2015.  
I attribute my 20-30 minute improvement in time mostly to the workout plan Hannah got us on in January, basically 1K swimming once a week, plus HIIT workshops with YouTuber Sascha Huber twice a week, also my power gymnastic course with Gisi, and my timed 5K runs with the fact that I got my 5K time down to 23:19 in January.  
I can definitely recommend Sevilla as a flat, fun marathon in a city where there is much to enjoy and visit, so worth a long marathon weekend.