Sun, Nov 25, 2018 - 12K - 01:15:00
12K Run From Wilmersdorf to Tiergarten, with Timed 5K (23:43)
Had to take my daughter to a study group in Wilmersdorf, so got a Car2Go and dropped her off at 10:00 near the Fennsee in the Volkspark, then headed straight across the city for almost three kilometers on Berliner Straße which turned into Grunewaldstraße, then headed up to the Tiergarten via Potsdamer Platz.  
In my timed 5K in Tiergarten, I took 13 seconds off my time from Thursday getting a 23:43 today which puts me within 16 seconds of my top ten 5K times, so I will be elated if I start dipping into these any time soon: 23:27, 23:27, 23:23, 23:21, 23:19, 23:17, 23:16, 23:02, 22:59 and 22:45. Right after I finished my 5K run, my smartphone lost its battery power, which I took as a sign that that was enough running for one day and got a DriveNow home, which you can still open with a card instead of the phone app.  
The Sevilla Marathon is less than three months away, so I want to keep my 5K times low and do some mega runs in the coming cold months.