Tue, Aug 11, 2020 - 9K - 01:11:17
9K After-Work Sunny Run with IKEA 5K Timed-Run (25:06)
Hannah was busy with school last week so on Tuesday I just did one 5K, but it was sunny and hot enough that I was glad to be finished after one 5K round. This was a Tuesday and so the second day of my starve days, not a lot of energy but doing these runs and then not eating after afterwards really brings down my weight, was 75.5 kilos the next morning, down from 80 kilos a couple weeks ago. My speed is remaining very constant around 25:00, can't really get it down only doing one run a week, need to increase workouts and strength, eating lots of pasta for my one-meal-per-day meals this week. 
Found out today that the Rotterdam Marathon was postponed yet again to April 2021. Fucking virus.