Mon, Nov 17, 2014 - 12K - 01:30:00
Run Out to IKEA and Back with Timed 5K Loop (25:25)
It's getting darker earlier and earlier so if you want to go for a long run in daylight you have to get out at least by 14:30 or your. I took off for a 12K and Gisi right after me for an 8K, I went out to IKEA to run my timed 5K loop and she did an 8K canal run. I felt quite strong on my run, got my best time this year (25:25) and enjoyed the cool and misty weather, even got back before it got dark. Need to plan some super-long runs for the upcoming weekends to get back into marathon shape, 118 days till Barcelona. 
Gisi got home from her run 3 minutes before I did: