Tue, Oct 3, 2017 - 17K - 02:00:00
17K Lichterfelde to IKEA Loop
17K LICHTERFELDE TO IKEA LOOP: Since it was Tag der Deutschen Einheit today and wonderful autumn weather outside, and I want to start running twice a week now anyway, I took advantage of the nice afternoon, got on my running clothes, and on my way out, Gisi said she wanted to ride her bike, so we took off together, me running and she hovering around on her bike. It was a nice tour through Lichterfelde, and then back through Lankwitz all the way out to IKEA, and back Priesterweg.  
Hannah and I will be running The Great 10K Berlin on Sunday but as a 2 x 5K relay, so I'll be running the first 5K and she will run the second 5K. Today I ran a steady 27:00 5K pace without my leg hurting so hope to repeat that on Sunday, and Hannah hopes to do a 29:00 so our goal is to finish with a combined 56:00, perhaps Hannah will be finishing with Frank. In any case, we hope to see him and Silke out on the route, all of us giving it our best. :-)