Wed, Jun 3, 2020 - 16K - 01:15:00
2x IKEA 5K Speed Runs (24:48, 28:21), 1x with Hannah (29:05)
I got a message from Hannah today 20 minutes before leaving work, "Papa, willst du heute Abend laufen?" When one receives such messages from one's children, one has to say yes, so I responded accordingly.  
Since I didn't have my running clothes with me, I had to come home first, got changed and took off. And since I have my French/English tandem phone call at 21:15 on Wednesday evenings, it was going to be tight, but I got to the starting line of my first 5K about 19:25.  
I kept Hannah up-to-date on when we could meet, but she misunderstood me that I had taken off on my third round, arrived before I finished my second round, and took off on her first 5K without me.  
Seeing that we had missed each other, and after running a decent 24:48 and then an extremely tough and slow 28:21 (short break before running and it was a bit warm), I decided to just cut the third 5K this time and wait for Hannah to finish.  
She finished with a strong 29:05 for a warm evening, we enjoyed our drinks that she brought, talked a little running strategy, then took off for home, me sprinting along side her trying to keep up with her bike speed.