I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.
my recommendations here
influential people of the past.
Learning Activity by Month:
- January 2022 (1)
- December 2021 (1)
- February 2021 (1)
- January 2021 (1)
- March 2020 (1)
- January 2020 (1)
- December 2019 (1)
- November 2019 (1)
- October 2019 (1)
- September 2019 (1)
- August 2019 (1)
- July 2019 (1)
- June 2019 (1)
- May 2019 (3)
- April 2019 (1)
- March 2019 (1)
- February 2019 (1)
- January 2019 (2)
- December 2018 (2)
- November 2018 (2)
- October 2018 (2)
- September 2018 (2)
- August 2018 (3)
- July 2018 (3)
- June 2018 (5)
- May 2018 (6)
- April 2018 (3)
- March 2018 (6)
- February 2018 (4)
- January 2018 (6)
- December 2017 (5)
- November 2017 (7)
- October 2017 (10)
- September 2017 (5)
- August 2017 (8)
- July 2017 (9)
- June 2017 (15)
- May 2017 (16)
- April 2017 (11)
- March 2017 (12)
- February 2017 (13)
- January 2017 (14)
- December 2016 (12)
- November 2016 (15)
- October 2016 (14)
- September 2016 (10)
- August 2016 (12)
- July 2016 (15)
- June 2016 (11)
- May 2016 (14)
- April 2016 (13)
- March 2016 (20)
- February 2016 (19)
- January 2016 (19)
- December 2015 (18)
- November 2015 (23)
- October 2015 (19)
- September 2015 (14)
- August 2015 (13)
- July 2015 (13)
- June 2015 (17)
- May 2015 (19)
- April 2015 (25)
- March 2015 (15)
- February 2015 (15)
- January 2015 (17)
- December 2014 (12)
- November 2014 (19)
- October 2014 (13)
- September 2014 (15)
- August 2014 (27)
- July 2014 (21)
- June 2014 (27)
- May 2014 (24)
- April 2014 (23)
- March 2014 (21)
- February 2014 (37)
- January 2014 (39)
- December 2013 (16) ...importing*
- November 2013 (10) ...importing*
- October 2013 (17) ...importing*
- September 2013 (24) ...importing*
- August 2013 (26) ...importing*
- July 2013 (11) ...importing*
- January 2013 (1) ...importing*
- (1)
The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.
The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.
Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.
- À la découverte du théâtre classique français (2)
- Descubriendo la pintura europea de 1400 a 1800 (1)
- History of Rock, 1970-Present (1)
- Jesus in Scripture and Tradition (1)
- Karl der Große - Pater Europae (1)
- Introduction à la programmation en C++ (1)
- Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques (1)
- The Great War and Modern Philosophy (1)
- The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future (1)
- Human Evolution: Past and Future (1)
- A History of the World since 1300 (1)
- Introduction aux droits de l'homme (1)
- Villes africaines: la planification urbaine (1)
- Phenomenology and the Conscious Mind (1)
- kind of guitar Mark Knopfler had for Dire Straits
- And already after independence (FRENCH)
- And it came to be that in the end (FRENCH)
- And that is how, right after (FRENCH)
- Before calling the compiler (FRENCH)
- Conversely (FRENCH)
- Genie takes us to the line (FRENCH)
- If you have not yet done it (FRENCH)
- Let us be attentive to this (FRENCH)
- Note in passing that (FRENCH)
- PR. à la mesure de ces flux (FRENCH)
- Regarding the originality (FRENCH)
- The formal originality is due to the geographical scope (FRENCH)
- The implication here (FRENCH)
- The self (FRENCH)
- The ultimate concern (FRENCH)
- Vichy France (FRENCH)
- We consider the case (FRENCH)
- We see that as much in Dubai (FRENCH)
- You just said (FRENCH)
- a being of affiliation (FRENCH)
- a closing brace (FRENCH)
- a healthy environment (FRENCH)
- a major player (FRENCH)
- a meaningful life (FRENCH)
- a meaningful reality (FRENCH)
- a typo (FRENCH)
- an executable text file or files (FRENCH)
- and reads (FRENCH)
- and settle permanently (FRENCH)
- and suddenly (FRENCH)
- applies to the entire African continent (FRENCH)
- as collective bodies (FRENCH)
- as there were so many in the Old Regime (FRENCH)
- as they exist at the universal level (FRENCH)
- at the beginning (FRENCH)
- be rigorous at the design stage (FRENCH)
- but nobody outside (FRENCH)
- but we will try to remain general (FRENCH)
- can now come to Paris (FRENCH)
- claim (FRENCH)
- claimed several rights (FRENCH)
- criticism is understandable (FRENCH)
- declare itself (FRENCH)
- during the course (FRENCH)
- embedded in the history (FRENCH)
- establish (FRENCH)
- even before birth (FRENCH)
- favorable to the implementation (FRENCH)
- flow (FRENCH)
- for its implementation (FRENCH)
- for which it was obviously necessary to make some adjustments (FRENCH)
- formerly (FRENCH)
- from which I take my identity (FRENCH)
- had involved some collective rights (FRENCH)
- has emerged several times (FRENCH)
- he must learn to narrate it (FRENCH)
- heavy industry (FRENCH)
- henceforth (FRENCH)
- heritage (FRENCH)
- his membership (FRENCH)
- in a directory (FRENCH)
- insofar as it is (FRENCH)
- is due to the content (FRENCH)
- is either an interpreter (FRENCH)
- is intented to represent (FRENCH)
- is interspersed with music (FRENCH)
- is provided with the values (FRENCH)
- is taken into the narrative fabric (FRENCH)
- is to live these values in my own way (FRENCH)
- it boils down to (FRENCH)
- it embeds (FRENCH)
- it goes like this (FRENCH)
- it may happen that the program fails compilation (FRENCH)
- it would be hard to imagine (FRENCH)
- it's catching up on lost time (FRENCH)
- its implementation is subject to political discussion (FRENCH)
- my first question is about the African Charter (FRENCH)
- no pedestrian (FRENCH)
- no walkers (FRENCH)
- of oneself to oneself (FRENCH)
- of the kind that I feel inside (FRENCH)
- on the desktop (FRENCH)
- one wouldn't know where to start (FRENCH)
- open the quotation marks (FRENCH)
- opening brace (FRENCH)
- out of proportion (FRENCH)
- permanently (FRENCH)
- pr. ils avaient (FRENCH)
- pr. une salle (FRENCH)
- pranksters (FRENCH)
- raises enormous political problems (FRENCH)
- realize oneself (FRENCH)
- recognize (FRENCH)
- related, more generally (FRENCH)
- relying both on business and tourism (FRENCH)
- remembering that (FRENCH)
- rented to troops (FRENCH)
- reservations (FRENCH)
- run by religious orders (FRENCH)
- sanitized (FRENCH)
- semicolon (FRENCH)
- sheltered (FRENCH)
- should be shifted to the right (FRENCH)
- sometimes (FRENCH)
- strictly speaking (FRENCH)
- that allows someone to hvae an identify (FRENCH)
- that are made when a city is planned (FRENCH)
- that lack sufficient accuracy (FRENCH)
- that the proram will run (FRENCH)
- that we just created (FRENCH)
- the challenge (FRENCH)
- the choices that are made (FRENCH)
- the coincide (FRENCH)
- the community to which she belongs (FRENCH)
- the compilation went well (FRENCH)
- the focus is on the outside (FRENCH)
- the following year (FRENCH)
- the framework through which the individual can (FRENCH)
- the necessary support for its development (FRENCH)
- the paths are different (FRENCH)
- the questioning of sovereignty (FRENCH)
- the retailers (FRENCH)
- the second half (FRENCH)
- the tribe (FRENCH)
- there will be a return of capital (FRENCH)
- they welcome (FRENCH)
- this is done by clicking on (FRENCH)
- this story (FRENCH)
- to assume a tradition (FRENCH)
- to be applied and implemented (FRENCH)
- to insure the existence of (FRENCH)
- to move away from (FRENCH)
- to self-determination (FRENCH)
- we see developments (FRENCH)
- we will bow to this tradition (FRENCH)
- we will see that (FRENCH)
- what is our purpose behind the analysis (FRENCH)
- what is the originality (FRENCH)
- where the error occurred (FRENCH)
- whether African, Asian (FRENCH)
- which are after all (FRENCH)
- which is emerging strongly (FRENCH)
- which is held during the summer (FRENCH)
- which is not mine (FRENCH)
- which is set up (FRENCH)
- which lasted until the seventeeth century (FRENCH)
- which will be valid (FRENCH)
- who is struggling with the tradition (FRENCH)
- will move (FRENCH)
- with one exception, the case of Southern Sudan (FRENCH)
- with respect to which (FRENCH)
- without paying royalties to the brothers (FRENCH)
- would have put the opening brace here (FRENCH)
- you have to go much deeper (FRENCH)
- you will have to first design (FRENCH)
- you will learn how to analyze a problem (FRENCH)
- you will need to correct your program (FRENCH)
- A response to this feeling of uncertainty (SPANISH)
- Along with the flair for the dramatic (SPANISH)
- I'm showing you on the screen (SPANISH)
- If we used the term (SPANISH)
- If we were talking about music (SPANISH)
- It is a confusing term since (SPANISH)
- It's common to use the end (SPANISH)
- Let's focus on what happened in the period that concerns us (SPANISH)
- Other dates may be used (SPANISH)
- The idea of setting the date to (SPANISH)
- These are the qualities (SPANISH)
- a great forcefulness (SPANISH)
- adheres to this definition (SPANISH)
- also would make sense to consider (SPANISH)
- althought I do not share the ideology (SPANISH)
- an art that follows a very specific aesthetic standard (SPANISH)
- an art whose forms are dynamic (SPANISH)
- and so we will do in this course (SPANISH)
- and that we'll see (SPANISH)
- clarify some issues (SPANISH)
- deepened in the 17th century (SPANISH)
- developed the scientific method (SPANISH)
- expressive force (SPANISH)
- he feels a new era (SPANISH)
- he wanted to be modern (SPANISH)
- it allows us to look more closely (SPANISH)
- it feels different from previous calls for change (SPANISH)
- of reason vs. revelation (SPANISH)
- or put another way (SPANISH)
- patronage (SPANISH)
- patrons felt the need (SPANISH)
- questions like what is the truth (SPANISH)
- that had been done before (SPANISH)
- that have already been mentioned (SPANISH)
- that is to say (SPANISH)
- that were coming (SPANISH)
- the changes that took place around 1600 (SPANISH)
- the growing materialism (SPANISH)
- the same issues (SPANISH)
- therefore (SPANISH)
- they are not comparable to those that occurrred (SPANISH)
- this small landscape (SPANISH)
- thoughts intensified (SPANISH)
- throughout the period covered by this course (SPANISH)
- to illustrate what I am saying (SPANISH)
- very forcefully (SPANISH)
- very powerful (SPANISH)
- we force a historical reality to fit into a theory (SPANISH)
- we would say it has more volume than (SPANISH)
- were much more difficult to answer (SPANISH)
- which was made in the 17th century (SPANISH)
- who defines it (SPANISH)
- who made paintings able to transmit (SPANISH)