My name is Edward Tanguay.
I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.

I watch over 200 college-level MOOC lectures per year in subjects such as history , psychology, science, religion, art, philosophy, and IT development in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, and record my notes here.
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edward [at]

Learning Activity by Month:

The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.

The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.

Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.

February 2016 Learn Certificate
Watched and took notes on 19 college lectures:
Learned about 1 person:
Corrected 10 misspelling:
diotonicism, essense, emmense, suspence, psychodelic, obeisence, penitentary, resistence, sufferage, devisive
Recorded 116 Flashcards from MOOC lectures:
  • And in other words
  • It is that now
  • Most of the lines are thick
  • This returns
  • We arrived at the end of this video
  • What has changed over the past forty years
  • With respect to the environment
  • an anchor
  • basically refers to ways of living
  • feel better in some environments more than others
  • in relation to time
  • income
  • pr. la qualité
  • pr. nous avons tous des conceptions
  • rather than others
  • refer to the social quality
  • specific expectations
  • suburanization
  • the expectations of a population
  • the friendliness of the neighborhood
  • the income
  • the quality of facilities
  • this is related to public spaces
  • which aimed to present
  • which we just stated
  • But on the other hand (FRENCH)
  • Consider for a few moments here (FRENCH)
  • Especially since, here (FRENCH)
  • I just spoke of this a moment ago (FRENCH)
  • It has far exceeded (FRENCH)
  • It is not easy to retain his humanity (FRENCH)
  • The proof is the different logos (FRENCH)
  • They become full-fledged companies (FRENCH)
  • Under this competition (FRENCH)
  • a being who aspires to become a self-realization (FRENCH)
  • a division of the territory (FRENCH)
  • a lawyer a little lost (FRENCH)
  • a modern replica (FRENCH)
  • a reality that is enought to study properly (FRENCH)
  • a soft drink (FRENCH)
  • accomplishment (FRENCH)
  • acquired once and for all (FRENCH)
  • all of life (FRENCH)
  • an old term (FRENCH)
  • and he makes us understand (FRENCH)
  • and it will take this into account (FRENCH)
  • and that game (FRENCH)
  • aquired once and for all (FRENCH)
  • are seven in number (FRENCH)
  • as an action to be taken (FRENCH)
  • as is (FRENCH)
  • attract as many people as possible (FRENCH)
  • behaves in a strange way (FRENCH)
  • comprises a series of consequences (FRENCH)
  • depending on what we do (FRENCH)
  • distill through flyers (FRENCH)
  • eminently (FRENCH)
  • even at times on television (FRENCH)
  • experienced (FRENCH)
  • extinguish humanity in him (FRENCH)
  • formed the backdrop of modern times (FRENCH)
  • fundamentally prescriptive (FRENCH)
  • have begun to compete with each other (FRENCH)
  • highly publicized (FRENCH)
  • if you want to belong to this or that ideal (FRENCH)
  • in a strong sense (FRENCH)
  • in the background (FRENCH)
  • in the broadest sense (FRENCH)
  • is done on all (FRENCH)
  • it evokes a practical behavior backed by the respect of duty (FRENCH)
  • it is not a given (FRENCH)
  • it may be useful to make a distinction (FRENCH)
  • management (FRENCH)
  • no matter where they are (FRENCH)
  • not act on these issues (FRENCH)
  • nothing is ever granted to man (FRENCH)
  • one is thirsty for an ideal, attracted to the stars (FRENCH)
  • or we simply say that (FRENCH)
  • perhaps it will be realized (FRENCH)
  • perhaps the most striking (FRENCH)
  • pr. accueille (FRENCH)
  • pr. des flux de capitaux (FRENCH)
  • pr. distiller (FRENCH)
  • pr. décennies (FRENCH)
  • pr. la morale du respect de la loi morale (FRENCH)
  • pr. la racine des moeurs (FRENCH)
  • pr. que nos contemporains apprécient (FRENCH)
  • receives enough companies and investors (FRENCH)
  • right now (FRENCH)
  • since it has a cost (FRENCH)
  • since they (FRENCH)
  • some decades (FRENCH)
  • suddenly (FRENCH)
  • taking place (FRENCH)
  • talk about the challenges (FRENCH)
  • that redesign (FRENCH)
  • that takes into account (FRENCH)
  • that were initiated (FRENCH)
  • that which we have to say (FRENCH)
  • the are well beyond the borders (FRENCH)
  • the principle of morals (FRENCH)
  • the question of issues and challenges (FRENCH)
  • the sprawling city (FRENCH)
  • there is no model given once and for all (FRENCH)
  • this assertion (FRENCH)
  • this is all the more interesting (FRENCH)
  • to begin (FRENCH)
  • we might consider the reverse (FRENCH)
  • whether it be the flow of capital or people (FRENCH)
  • which calls for a future (FRENCH)
  • which is taken into account (FRENCH)
  • which leads him to the best (FRENCH)
  • which one considers to be the root of morals (FRENCH)
  • which refer to each other in opposition (FRENCH)
  • which tend to be the same (FRENCH)
  • without necessary economic development (FRENCH)
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Mozart's B-flat major sonata, K333
first theme comes in the tonic, B-flat
the theme goes nowhere
it begins in b-flat major
and ends in b-flat major... view all notes
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
anyone who has wu-wei as a spiritual goal is going to face the tension of trying not to try
the paradox of wu-wei in the Analects
Analects 3.3: "A man who is not Good, what has he to do with ritual? A man who is not Good, what has he to do with music?"
ritual and music are the way you become good
Confucius is saying: you shouldn't be doing the practice unless you are already Good... view all notes
Friday, February 5, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the Roosevelts can trace their family roots to Claes Maartenszen van Rosenvelt
emigrated with his family from the Dutch province of Zeeland
arrived in New Amsterdam between 1638 and 1649
1652 bought a farm
had two grandsons... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
HISTORY OF ROCK, 1970-PRESENT, University of Rochester
New Wave
arises at the end of the 1970s
embraces the punk attitude but takes the danger out of it for record companies turning it into a kind of a lifestyle choice and aesthetic attitude as opposed to any form of cultural rebellion or revolt
when you think about the Sex Pistols and the ways in which they would create scandals and get themselves arrested and banned
fun stories to tell... view all notes
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
CONTAGIOUS: HOW THINGS CATCH ON, University of Pennsylvania
unexpected element
novel and surprising
one way to make ideas stick is to make them unexpected
the minivan ad
set up a pattern... view all notes
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
some people think that the study of consciousness must be some kind of intellectual selfie
based on some kind of inner self-examination or introspection
but actually the starting point of phenomenology is to turn away from the selfie an towards the world
its in the structure of the world that we actually discover the structure of consciousness
phenomenology is not in your head... view all notes
Friday, February 12, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
goal of phenomenology
to see more, specifically to observe in an active, energetic and creative way, looking for possibilities, including the unlikely
this approach to observation replaces the textbook conception of perception
the textbook picture of perception reception seems tied to available light
perception is not just limited to what the light affords... view all notes
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
HISTORY OF ROCK, 1970-PRESENT, University of Rochester
British New Wave groups
had success in the United States
punk didn't happen in the United States in the same way as it happened in the UK
at least not in a commercial way
although it certainly happened in subcultures... view all notes
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Joseph is called forward to help Pharaoh with his dreams
Pharaoh summons his court magicians to discern what they meant
they were of no help
the cup holder told Pharaoh of the success he had had with Joseph's interpretations while he was in prison
"A young Hebrew was there with us, a servant of the captain of the guard, and when we told him he interpreted our dreams to us, giving an interpretation to each man according to his dream. And as he interpreted to us, so it came to pass." - Genesis 41:12-13... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
born 1882 in Hyde Park in upstate New York
came from the wealthy and aristocratic from the Hyde Park branch of the family
parents provided him with the best education possible
he attended Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts
graduated in history at Harvard... view all notes
Friday, February 19, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Carl Schmitt (1888-1985)
the "crown jurist of the Third Reich"
1927 "Der Begriff des Politischen"
the existential interpretation of war and politics
dedicated to a fallen comrade in WWI... view all notes
Monday, February 22, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
une réplique moderne des éthiques des vertus n'est pas du tout évidente
1971 John Rawls
l'éthique peut être considérée sous deux angles qui renvoient l'un à l'autre en s'opposant
1. l'éthique utilitariste, la recherche dans l'action, de ce qui est le plus utile
2. la morale déontologique, la morale du respect, de la loi morale et des principes des moeurs... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
A HISTORY OF THE WORLD SINCE 1300, Princeton University
transition from self-sufficient villages to interdependent societies
Marx observed this as fundamental to the system
the demise of mercantilist empires
the end of the slave trade
the rise of free labor... view all notes
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the early communities in Egypt and Babylon and in Judah itself present major problems
they are not that literate of the laws of Moses
they don't know Israel's history very well
in Elephantine, we see that they don't even use the name Israel
Nehemia tries to get the community behind a building project in Judah... view all notes
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
MOBILITÉ ET URBANISME, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
les modes de vie constituent une différenciation sociale
une dérivée des variables socio-démographiques
le revenu
la formation
la composition du ménage... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
September 1980
Iraq invaded Iran
Saddam believed that the Iranian revolution had weakened Iran militarily
1979 Iranian Revolution
the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty... view all notes
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
VILLES AFRICAINES: LA PLANIFICATION URBAINE, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
la connaissance des villes
1. les villes sont devenues un centre d'intérêt majeur, très médiatique
2. c'est que certaines villes sont devenues des économies extrêmement importantes, plus riches, sans doute, que certains états
il y a une création de richesse
il y a une économie qui tourne autour des villes... view all notes
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
HISTORY OF ROCK, 1970-PRESENT, University of Rochester
we can see an arc of rock music that develops between the mid 60s
around 1965 to 1966 crossover to psychedelia
over the barrier of 1969-1970 continues forward to 1974-1975 and works it's way to 1979-1980
that arc of about 15 years, is what we might think is dominated by The Hippie Aesthetic
all of this music hangs around in a number of ideas and values... view all notes
Monday, February 29, 2016
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, The University of Melbourne
one of the great hopes of the Revolution of 1789 was a new era of
where members of the privileged orders would join with members of the Third Estate in creating a new and regenerated France... view all notes
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