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Notes on video lecture:
Semi-sensations and Positional Consciousness
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
external, invisible, impulses, flexible, six, positional, imagination, bundle, light, sensory, features, images, cube, retina, hidden, textbook, there, unlikely
goal of phenomenology
to see more, specifically to observe in an active, energetic and creative way, looking for possibilities, including the                 
this approach to observation replaces the                  conception of perception
the textbook picture of perception reception seems tied to available           
perception is not just limited to what the light affords
you see the sides of a          that face you
the sides that reflect light onto your             
but we don't see the              of light rays
we don't see              on the retina
we don't see                  on the brain
we see the cube
what the intermediaries fail to give us is the thing which is before us, but it is that thing, not the intermediaries
to posit, v.
the constituting awareness of objects as                 , as out there outside the mind
consciousness posits external objects which means consciousnesses assigns to the object outside of me, I'm here but it's           
this is                      consciousness
to see the cube as a cube is to see it outside of us in a specific location in a space around us
also: objectivate, an awkward synonym
when you look at a cube, you see a       -sided solid, some parts we can see and some we can't
we have a very distinctive awareness of what those parts are like
the hidden sides of the cube are constituted by something like                       
but imagination is more                 
the back sides of the cube are less flexible
the sensation of the              parts are a semi-sensation
between imagination and visual sensations
folded into sensation is a lot of extra-               perception
the semi-sensations of sensory properties unseen and unfelt
our perception goes beyond sensation, filling in dimensions of the sensory world with                  that turn the flat image into a scene of things with a space that has us in the middle of it
we see, or semi-see, objects that are                    to the eye, but these hidden facets are only one part of our sensory world
Principles of Phenomenology
Semi-sensations and Positional Consciousness
Phenomenological Superposition
Epoché: The Suspended Attitude
The Principle of Interpretive Exclusivity
The Invariance of Intentionality
Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Intentionality
Internal Time Consciousness
The Experience of the Now