My name is Edward Tanguay.
I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.

I watch over 200 college-level MOOC lectures per year in subjects such as history , psychology, science, religion, art, philosophy, and IT development in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, and record my notes here.
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edward [at]

Learning Activity by Month:

The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.

The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.

Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.

May 2017 Learn Certificate
Watched and took notes on 16 college lectures:
Learned 1 vocabulary words:
Learned about 2 people:
Corrected 4 misspelling:
assymetry, genecide, accessable, consumated
Recorded 195 Flashcards from MOOC lectures:
  • For example
  • I demand that
  • I know he's an American
  • I order that
  • I want that
  • It seems to me that
  • Let's see some examples
  • Then
  • Then, let's review them together
  • This is our introduction
  • We said
  • We will see more concrete examples later
  • We'll see soon
  • What are the verbs that
  • What do I do with my head
  • While
  • You have to
  • a point of view
  • a thought
  • always
  • different
  • in the indicative
  • it is right that
  • it is right, that
  • now
  • of the dependent proposition
  • our comparison between
  • the certainty
  • the most common verb used
  • the opposite
  • until now
  • very, very common
  • we believe
  • we order
  • which are the verbs and expressions
  • with verbs of the head
  • yet
  • Christians themselves claim (FRENCH)
  • Otherwise (FRENCH)
  • The fact that (FRENCH)
  • What do they reproach (FRENCH)
  • Whatever the meaning (FRENCH)
  • afterwards (FRENCH)
  • are deceiving themselves into thinking (FRENCH)
  • by purely human means (FRENCH)
  • by the vain lure of philosophy (FRENCH)
  • consider themselves custodians (FRENCH)
  • could attract (FRENCH)
  • in relation to (FRENCH)
  • including the texts of the poets (FRENCH)
  • is undergoing a number of deep criticisms (FRENCH)
  • it all comes from Kant (FRENCH)
  • it also provoked strong opposition (FRENCH)
  • nothing should be admitted that is not argued (FRENCH)
  • pr. au fait que c'est par nous-mêmes que nous devons penser (FRENCH)
  • pr. au sens où elle (FRENCH)
  • pr. nous sommes tous attachés à l'autonomie (FRENCH)
  • pr. nous sommes tous les héritiers des Lumières (FRENCH)
  • rational approach (FRENCH)
  • sometimes considered (FRENCH)
  • take the path (FRENCH)
  • that Kant wanted to give it (FRENCH)
  • that arise in (FRENCH)
  • that we think for ourselves (FRENCH)
  • the framework that is set for our policy decisions (FRENCH)
  • the invasion of logic (FRENCH)
  • the terms of this opposition (FRENCH)
  • these recoveries (FRENCH)
  • to all the scholars (FRENCH)
  • was formed (FRENCH)
  • we refuse (FRENCH)
  • when we obey our duty (FRENCH)
  • which are ideological in nature (FRENCH)
  • which are more a matter of higher education (FRENCH)
  • which contrasts with (FRENCH)
  • which will be carried by the heirs of Kant (FRENCH)
  • /my dear
  • American boys
  • And so on
  • But look who's talking
  • But you think it's authentic
  • Church
  • Dante will not answer, he will not be able to find an answer
  • Go out
  • Hey
  • Hopefully it is
  • However, I have already asked for
  • I found myself in a dark forest
  • I found myself in a dark forest
  • I hope at least that they give you
  • I will go to
  • I would like to die working here
  • In the middle of the walk of our lives
  • It doesn't seem to me that
  • It must be borne in mind that
  • It seems to me that you guys always find an excuse
  • No favoritism
  • No one before Dante
  • Not at all in the book
  • Not even a penny
  • Now
  • Pay and go
  • See you next time
  • So let's review these phrases together
  • So right now
  • So the poetry
  • So we are in a dynamic situation
  • The answer will come
  • Therefore
  • Therefore
  • They're always looking for someone
  • We knew you'd be here
  • Well, girls
  • Why do you not ask here
  • a condition of sin
  • a drug that will cure a disease
  • a figure which is composed of various facets
  • a verb of certainty
  • a whole series of events
  • after being attacked
  • among these voices
  • and by no means is this simple
  • and it's a fact
  • as a good friend
  • as the straight way was lost
  • as we have already said
  • ascended to the third sky
  • but as its course proceeds
  • but it goes back to
  • clearly that
  • dares to put it on the same level
  • depending on the stages of the itinerary
  • depending on the type of verb
  • does not always remain the same
  • equal
  • fear, wonder, anger
  • for young people to find work
  • from time to time
  • girls
  • hopefully they'll call me
  • however, there is no doubt that
  • identical
  • if we realize that this character is actually
  • immediately as a complex figure
  • in more than one company
  • in nothing less than the sacred book
  • in the middle of my days
  • in verbs
  • in which he finds himself at the beginning of his trip
  • in which hope alternates
  • is a sort of exmaple
  • it does not concern him
  • it leads him to make mistakes
  • keep the rest
  • literature
  • makes his entry
  • next to the character
  • nougat
  • of the pilgram
  • one could even say that
  • outside of campus
  • primarily
  • reveals a force
  • so busy
  • something I do with my head
  • strike
  • that changes contexts
  • that is to still visit the afterlife
  • that it's not worth trying
  • the author who puts in writing
  • the big code
  • the capital S
  • the public transport strike
  • the rule
  • the similarity between
  • the souther cities
  • the tale of that experience
  • the vices of lust
  • the workers
  • then
  • there is the pole
  • they ask for a salary increase
  • this shop
  • to free the world and the cities from these vices
  • to read the first song
  • warn and correct
  • we will have a way to follow a certain system
  • whether you like it or not
  • which concerns both the rulers
  • which is composed of many voices
  • who or what gave Dante permission to make a journey
  • will clarify
  • witness to the events that have already happened
  • you did not read the label
  • your brothers
Monday, May 1, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
A HISTORY OF THE WORLD SINCE 1300, Princeton University
late 19th century colonial world
colonial authorities found themselves as occupiers rather than liberators
engaged in unconventional wars
not what the military authorities had been trained to practice
led to total wars in the colonies with three features... view all notes
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
SEXING THE CANVAS: ART AND GENDER, The University of Melbourne
Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806)
a student of Boucher
successful career on his own
had an unofficial career
had joined the academy as a student... view all notes
Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806)
French painter and printmaker whose late Rococo manner was distinguished by remarkable facility, exuberance, and hedonism
  • one of the most prolific artists active in the last decades of the Ancien Régime, Fragonard produced more than 550 paintings (not counting drawings and etchings)
  • among his most popular works are genre paintings conveying an atmosphere of intimacy and veiled eroticism
  • while working at the French Academy in Rome, he toured Italy, executing numerous sketches of local scenery and it was in these romantic gardens, with their fountains, grottos, temples and terraces, that Fragonard conceived the dreams which he was subsequently to render in his art
  • before a portrait of his was bought by the king, Fragonard had hesitated between religious, classic and other subjects, but the subsequent demand of the wealthy art patrons of Louis XV's pleasure-loving and licentious court turned him definitely towards those scenes of love and voluptuousness with which his name will ever be associated, and which are only made acceptable by the tender beauty of his color and the virtuosity of his facile brushwork, such works including the Le collin maillard (Blind Man's Bluff), Serment d'amour (Love Vow), Le Verrou (The Bolt), and L'Escarpolette (The Swing)
  • for half a century or more he was so completely ignored that Wilhelm Lübke's 1873 art history volume omits the very mention of his name
  • subsequent reevaluation has confirmed his position among the all-time masters of French painting
  • the influence of Fragonard's handling of local color and expressive, confident brushstroke on the Impressionists cannot be overestimated
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Onement, I (1948)
Barnett Newman (1905-1970)
one of the major American artists in abstract expressionism
one of the foremost of the color field painters
born in New York City, the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland... view all notes
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
la pensée de Kant touche l'ensemble de la vie des gens d'aujourd'hui
nous sommes tous les héritiers des Lumières
notre attachement à la liberté
notre attachement au fait que nous devons penser par nous-mêmes
nous refaisons que d'autres, parce qu'ils auraient un accès privilégié à la vérité, nous imposent leur conception de notre vie morale... view all notes
Friday, May 12, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
il congiuntivo
vuole dire subjunctive
non è un nuovo tempo verbale ma è un nuovo modo verbale
esprime o descrive la soggettività, quello che noi pensiamo, crediamo, vogliamo, desideriamo, ordiniamo
tutti i verbi che abbiamo studiato finora sono all'indicativo, cioè esprimono l'oggettività, la certezza... view all notes
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the Epic of Gilgamesh is the first great work of literature that has survived
was the most popular work of literature in the ancient Near East in the second and first millennium before Christ
then it disappeared and was dug up again, and became a work of world literature in a wholly new way
the standard form of the epic was composed around 1200 BCE
circulated widely around the ancient Near East... view all notes
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Sapevamo di trovarti qui!
Ehi, ragazze! Come va?
A noi bene, e tu, lavoratrice. Non mi sembra che tu sia così impegnata! Non vedo il sudore sulla fronte!
Ma senti chi parla voi siete a spasso e io qua a lavorare. Ma voi piuttosto, siete venute per comprare qualcosa.
No, innanzitutto siamo venute per vederti, e poi, sì, per comprare del torrone. Sembra proprio che i nostri denti ne abbiano bisogno, dato che è da un po' che non abbiamo carie!... view all notes
Friday, May 19, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
what hold's true for the identity of Jesus also holds true for those who would be his disciples
"And Jesus called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me, for whoever save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it, for what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?" (Mark 8:34-36)
who Jesus is overlaps rather closely with who the church is
both must take up their cross to fulfill their vocation
chosenness is ordered to the love and service of others... view all notes
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Buddhist meditation is sometimes called a mystical form of enlightenment
William James
there are two hallmarks of a mystic experience
1. noetic
a sense that knowledge has been imparted, that some deep insight has been apprehended... view all notes
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
LA COMMEDIA DI DANTE, Università della Svizzera italiana
la Commedia è un poema corale
si compone di moltissime voci
una in particolare acquisisca una importanza speciale ed è quella di Dante
del pellegrino, del viaggiatore, del personaggio che dice "io"
questo personaggio si presenta subito come una figura complessa... view all notes
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
changes from WWII comic from the Golden Age to post-WWII
DC Comics had their big six
Sandman... view all notes
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
HISTORY OF ROCK, 1970-PRESENT, University of Rochester
the rise of alternative rock in the 1990s was sparked by the commercial success of Nirvana's album Nevermind in 1991
a breakthrough album of alternative rock
similar to the Beatles appearing the Ed Sullivan show in 1964
this watershed event of Nevermind didn't come all at once
arose out of the indies rock seen of the 1980s and hardcore punk seen... view all notes
Friday, May 26, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
avremo delle frasi con un verbo principale
e un verbo secondario, dipendente
che può essere all'indicativo o al congiuntivo
dovremo decidere se bisogna usare l'indicativo o il congiuntivo e decideremo in base al tipo di verbo nella frase principale
le frasi... view all notes
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
over the course of the Baroque period
instrumental music continued to gain independence over vocal music
many of the music works in opera made their way into purely instrumental works
a style of delivery in operas, oratorios, and cantatas, in which a singer is allowed to adopt the rhythms of ordinary speech... view all notes
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
come si forma il congiuntivo presente di molti verbi irregolari
la regola non è difficile
c'è modo di seguire un certo sistema che ci aiuterà
come formiamo il congiuntivo presente
prendiamo la prima persona singolare all'indicativo e sostituiamo la vocale finale "o" con la "a"... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
le christianisme pouvait attirer les Grecs et les Romains
mais qu'il suscitait également des oppositions fortes
cette opposition a des raisons qui sont d'ordre idéologique
les chrétiens eux-mêmes prétendaient s'opposer à la culture qui les entoure
la culture grecque... view all notes
paideia, n. [παιδεία] In the culture of ancient Greece, paideia refered to the rearing and education of the ideal member of the polis. It incorporated both practical, subject-based schooling and a focus upon the socialization of individuals within the aristocratic order of the polis. The practical aspects of this education included the liberal arts such as rhetoric, grammar, and philosophy, as well as scientific disciplines like arithmetic and medicine. An ideal and successful member of the polis would possess intellectual, moral and physical refinement, so training in gymnastics and wrestling was valued for its effect on the body alongside the moral education which the Greeks believed was imparted by the study of music, poetry and philosophy.
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