My name is Edward Tanguay.
I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.

I watch over 200 college-level MOOC lectures per year in subjects such as history , psychology, science, religion, art, philosophy, and IT development in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian, and record my notes here.
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edward [at]

Learning Activity by Month:

The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.

The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.

Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.

January 2017 Learn Certificate
Watched and took notes on 14 college lectures:
Learned 1 vocabulary words:
Learned about 2 people:
Corrected 5 misspelling:
transfered, prominant, spurios, plagerism, embarassment
Recorded 111 Flashcards from MOOC lectures:
  • Furthermore
  • It crossed the threshold of one billion
  • It is this process called demographic transition
  • Mortality begins to fall
  • Not to mention all the migrants
  • They are not at the same stage
  • You will see
  • and by far completed its transition
  • approximately
  • as many births as deaths
  • as well as North America
  • begins to fall
  • begins to grow rapidly
  • do not take place at the same time
  • find that children survive in greater numbers
  • focuses on demographics
  • have begun to limit births
  • have resulted in a decline in mortality
  • it began to increase rapidly
  • little more in the following decades
  • often announce around nine
  • prevailing at the time
  • the become a burden
  • the excess of births over deaths continues
  • the world population has not increased
  • this despite AIDS
  • time offset
  • which fueled growth
  • which has brought the world's population
  • will then stabilize
  • And look also (SPANISH)
  • Around the year 1600 (SPANISH)
  • But in spite of its appearance (SPANISH)
  • Despite his reputation (SPANISH)
  • During the last four years of life (SPANISH)
  • Evangelist Matthew (SPANISH)
  • He was a successful painter who (SPANISH)
  • It made no sense (SPANISH)
  • One of the legs of the bench (SPANISH)
  • Seeing to counter the messages (SPANISH)
  • The artist we know as (SPANISH)
  • The picture we see on the screen (SPANISH)
  • There's something unexpected about her (SPANISH)
  • This makes the soldier appear (SPANISH)
  • When painting people (SPANISH)
  • a strange sense of isolation (SPANISH)
  • afraid to be arrested (SPANISH)
  • although at first sight (SPANISH)
  • an ordinary man (SPANISH)
  • and hence this is where the name comes from (SPANISH)
  • are powerful (SPANISH)
  • as he headed back to Rome (SPANISH)
  • as if they were very close to the spectator (SPANISH)
  • as seen in this image (SPANISH)
  • becomes (SPANISH)
  • between the orange fabrics and the black background (SPANISH)
  • but he had to do (SPANISH)
  • but the mood of the scenes (SPANISH)
  • carefully (SPANISH)
  • contempt to authorities (SPANISH)
  • crudness with beauty (SPANISH)
  • darkened by teh sun (SPANISH)
  • different from what was done before (SPANISH)
  • do not miss this church (SPANISH)
  • endow them with (SPANISH)
  • fills a space (SPANISH)
  • follower of Christ (SPANISH)
  • for carrying arms (SPANISH)
  • he denies it (SPANISH)
  • he did it (SPANISH)
  • he died as miserably as he had lived (SPANISH)
  • he had to leave Rome (SPANISH)
  • he painted scenes (SPANISH)
  • he was tried and arrested several times for fighting (SPANISH)
  • his suffering (SPANISH)
  • in fact they are inspired by them (SPANISH)
  • is usually somewhat different than in previous pictures (SPANISH)
  • it reminds me of contrasts (SPANISH)
  • latest works (SPANISH)
  • maybe most of all (SPANISH)
  • no a wise man (SPANISH)
  • novel (SPANISH)
  • otehrs (SPANISH)
  • paint people as they were (SPANISH)
  • seeks (SPANISH)
  • show traces of his complicated psychology (SPANISH)
  • signature (SPANISH)
  • so real-looking (SPANISH)
  • stand out against the dark background (SPANISH)
  • supports (SPANISH)
  • surprisingly lyrical (SPANISH)
  • surrounding the figures (SPANISH)
  • that fits within the profile (SPANISH)
  • that had an impact (SPANISH)
  • that his threat (SPANISH)
  • that seems to happen (SPANISH)
  • that soon will be unlimited in Europe (SPANISH)
  • that we saw (SPANISH)
  • the face (SPANISH)
  • the pursuit of beauty (SPANISH)
  • the soldier's helmet (SPANISH)
  • there is a strong contrast (SPANISH)
  • they fought (SPANISH)
  • until he died in 1610 (SPANISH)
  • was rejected by the church that had commissioned it (SPANISH)
  • was returned (SPANISH)
  • was trained (SPANISH)
  • were very convincing (SPANISH)
  • where I am often surprised (SPANISH)
  • whose wisdom had come to them from God (SPANISH)
  • wrapped in a large white cloth (SPANISH)
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
A HISTORY OF THE WORLD SINCE 1300, Princeton University
economic model: export-led growth
changed formerly inwardly-oriented villages
led to villages in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, which produced not for themselves but for the rest of the world
had a dramatic effect on the hinterland regions in particular on the relationship between humans and other animals
consumers would have a powerful effect on natural environments around the globe... view all notes
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
how could all of this complex life have emerged from far more simple chemicals
very little hard data
a lot of room for speculation
what we have is speculation based on some empirical evidence
current hypotheses for the emergence of life... view all notes
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
June 1938
sociological conditions that were present in America and the world
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
push back against the modular view of the mind
sometimes these frames of mind set in
I'm not really aware of them happening
they are sometimes triggered by feelings
I could see a movie that could affect my subsequent behavior... view all notes
valence, n. negative or positive psychological value assigned to something based on its attractiveness  "When you are curious about something, it flips the valence from unpleasant to pleasant."
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the Baroque period in Germany
delayed behind France and Italy due to the Thirty Years' War (1618-48)
a struggle between Catholicism and Protestantism
much of the country was destroyed
territories were transferred... view all notes
Monday, January 16, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
transition démographique
la population mondiale va fortement croître dans les années qui viennent
va passer d'un peu plus de sept milliards d'individus aujourd'hui
à plus de neuf milliards dans 40 ans
cela va représenter un poids considérable pour... view all notes
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the central focus of attention in most of the concept of Kierkegaard's irony is Socrates
Kierkegaard was not only interested in the concept of irony, but in the figure of Socrates
Socrates (469-399 BC)
the dialogue The Apology is an account of his trial
the dialogue The Phaedo is an account of his final hours and his execution by drinking hemlock... view all notes
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
HISTORY OF ROCK, 1970-PRESENT, University of Rochester
1980s: rap music became CNN for black people
as it becomes a bigger commercial entity
began to offer many various kinds
one version of rap music was socially conscious rap
realistic communication of what urban life is really like for African American people... view all notes
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
Emmanuel Kant était un penseur essentiellement théoricien
mais ce serait une erreur de penser qu'il ne s'est jamais occupé de la réalité concrète
dans sa vie quotidienne, ce n'était pas un homme isolé des autres
il a cultivé l'amitié
sa vie a été incontestablement très rangée... view all notes
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
what is it that makes a dripping faucet so annoying?
a single drip is an innocuous sound and probably not even very loud
the sensory properties of each drip are pretty constant
you have a non-sensory awareness that these sensations are not new
drip number 42 doesn't differ from drip number 1... view all notes
Monday, January 23, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
the right to name moons and features on their surfaces belongs to a body known as the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
founded in 1919
if you find a new moon, you suggest a name to the IAU but they don't have to accept it
today, when a moon is discovered
it is given a provisional name, e.g. S/2005 P1... view all notes
Simon Marius (1573-1625)
German astronomer who claimed to have discovered four major moons of Jupiter some days before Galileo Galilei
  • Galileo accused Marius of plagiarism
  • a jury in The Netherlands in 2003 examined the evidence extensively and ruled in favor of Marius
  • while Galileo named the moons Jupiter I, Jupiter II, Jupiter III, and Jupiter IV, Marius named them after the lovers of Zeus, i.e. Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
  • drew conclusions about the structure of the universe from his observations of the Jovian moons and the
  • concluded from his observations of the Jovian moons that they must orbit Jupiter while Jupiter orbits the Sun
  • Marius concluded that the geocentric Tychonic system, in which the planets circle the Sun while the Sun circles the Earth, must be the correct world system, or model of the universe
  • spent most of his life in the city of Ansbach
Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)
Leading Dutch mathematician and scientist of his time whose work included early telescopic studies of the rings of Saturn and the discovery of its moon Titan, and the invention of the pendulum clock
  • mathematical tutor Jan Jansz de Jonge Stampioen set the 15-year-old a demanding reading list on contemporary science
  • studied law and mathematics at the University of Leiden from 1645 to 1647
  • generally wrote in French or Latin
  • in 1655, Huygens proposed that Saturn was surrounded by a solid ring, "a thin, flat ring, nowhere touching, and inclined to the ecliptic"
  • in the same year, he observed and sketched the Orion Nebul, his drawing, the first such known of the Orion nebula
  • 1659, Huygens was the first to observe a surface feature on another planet, Syrtis Major, a volcanic plain on Mars
  • shortly before his death in 1695, Huygens completed Cosmotheoros, published posthumously in 1698, in which he speculated on the existence of extraterrestrial life on other planets which he imagined was similar to that on Earth
  • he argued that extraterrestrial life is neither confirmed nor denied by the Bible, and questioned why God would create the other planets if they were not to serve a greater purpose than that of being admired from Earth
  • Huygens postulated that the great distance between the planets signified that God had not intended for beings on one to know about the beings on the others, and had not foreseen how much humans would advance in scientific knowledge
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
DESCUBRIENDO LA PINTURA EUROPEA DE 1400 A 1800, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Caravaggio (1571-1610)
se llamaba Michelangelo Merisi
su familia era de un pueblo llamado Caravaggio
cerca de Milán
pintó escenas de aspecto radicalmente diferente de lo que se había hecho hasta entonces... view all notes
Friday, January 27, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
SWITZERLAND IN EUROPE, University of Basel
The European Commission
the executive body of the European Union responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU
accused Switzerland of predatory tax regimes
the Swiss cantons played an important role
the Swiss state structure... view all notes
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Watched and took notes on MOOC lecture:
what is the relationship between the historical Jesus and the Jesus that the Church that proclaims in the creeds
no single criterion will give us a reliable historical Jesus
imagine Martin Luther never wrote anything down
that only his followers wrote down what he said
and so we have to reconstruct Martin Luther from voluminous material... view all notes
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