I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.
my recommendations here
influential people of the past.

Learning Activity by Month:
- January 2022 (1)
- December 2021 (1)
- February 2021 (1)
- January 2021 (1)
- March 2020 (1)
- January 2020 (1)
- December 2019 (1)
- November 2019 (1)
- October 2019 (1)
- September 2019 (1)
- August 2019 (1)
- July 2019 (1)
- June 2019 (1)
- May 2019 (3)
- April 2019 (1)
- March 2019 (1)
- February 2019 (1)
- January 2019 (2)
- December 2018 (2)
- November 2018 (2)
- October 2018 (2)
- September 2018 (2)
- August 2018 (3)
- July 2018 (3)
- June 2018 (5)
- May 2018 (6)
- April 2018 (3)
- March 2018 (6)
- February 2018 (4)
- January 2018 (6)
- December 2017 (5)
- November 2017 (7)
- October 2017 (10)
- September 2017 (5)
- August 2017 (8)
- July 2017 (9)
- June 2017 (15)
- May 2017 (16)
- April 2017 (11)
- March 2017 (12)
- February 2017 (13)
- January 2017 (14)
- December 2016 (12)
- November 2016 (15)
- October 2016 (14)
- September 2016 (10)
- August 2016 (12)
- July 2016 (15)
- June 2016 (11)
- May 2016 (14)
- April 2016 (13)
- March 2016 (20)
- February 2016 (19)
- January 2016 (19)
- December 2015 (18)
- November 2015 (23)
- October 2015 (19)
- September 2015 (14)
- August 2015 (13)
- July 2015 (13)
- June 2015 (17)
- May 2015 (19)
- April 2015 (25)
- March 2015 (15)
- February 2015 (15)
- January 2015 (17)
- December 2014 (12)
- November 2014 (19)
- October 2014 (13)
- September 2014 (15)
- August 2014 (27)
- July 2014 (21)
- June 2014 (27)
- May 2014 (24)
- April 2014 (23)
- March 2014 (21)
- February 2014 (37)
- January 2014 (39)
- December 2013 (16) ...importing*
- November 2013 (10) ...importing*
- October 2013 (17) ...importing*
- September 2013 (24) ...importing*
- August 2013 (26) ...importing*
- July 2013 (11) ...importing*
- January 2013 (1) ...importing*
- (1)
The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.
The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.
Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.
- Chinese Thought: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science (4)
- Analyzing the Universe (2)
- History of Rock, 1970-Present (1)
- Egiptología (1)
- The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future (1)
- Introduction aux droits de l'homme (1)
- Designing Cities (1)
- Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases (1)
- Another thing I think (FRENCH)
- In other words (FRENCH)
- Siamese twins (FRENCH)
- The first includes (FRENCH)
- accuracy close to (FRENCH)
- after the First World War (FRENCH)
- aims to protect (FRENCH)
- also addresses international criminal law (FRENCH)
- assistant professor (FRENCH)
- basically (FRENCH)
- becomes the executioner (FRENCH)
- by granted his rights (FRENCH)
- can cause conflicts (FRENCH)
- could you clarify the relationships for us (FRENCH)
- criminal law (FRENCH)
- extremely close ties (FRENCH)
- gave impetus (FRENCH)
- if appropriate (FRENCH)
- in quotes (FRENCH)
- in the most classic sense (FRENCH)
- international criminal law (FRENCH)
- international criminal law (FRENCH)
- is independent from the other (FRENCH)
- it can be observed (FRENCH)
- it refers to the question (FRENCH)
- mass murderer (FRENCH)
- overall (FRENCH)
- refer to the jurisprudence of heir colleagues (FRENCH)
- subsequently (FRENCH)
- suddenly (FRENCH)
- thank you very much for these words (FRENCH)
- that suddenly, in turn (FRENCH)
- the actors emphasize (FRENCH)
- they are conveyed (FRENCH)
- this has been criticized (FRENCH)
- to expose (FRENCH)
- we will have to create (FRENCH)
- which has experienced multiple failures (FRENCH)
- which is developed by the Allies (FRENCH)
- which is supposed to protect us (FRENCH)
- Also (SPANISH)
- Also (SPANISH)
- And they are armed with all kinds of weapons (SPANISH)
- And they are armed with all kinds of weapons (SPANISH)
- As for the origin (SPANISH)
- As for the origin (SPANISH)
- As we said (SPANISH)
- As we said (SPANISH)
- But in addition to this reign (SPANISH)
- But in addition to this reign (SPANISH)
- But what is intended (SPANISH)
- But what is intended (SPANISH)
- From the viewpoint of (SPANISH)
- From the viewpoint of (SPANISH)
- I have put for you in a vertical position (SPANISH)
- I have put for you in a vertical position (SPANISH)
- In all these areas (SPANISH)
- In all these areas (SPANISH)
- It is important to consider (SPANISH)
- It is important to consider (SPANISH)
- Not in vain (SPANISH)
- Not in vain (SPANISH)
- Returning to the documents (SPANISH)
- Returning to the documents (SPANISH)
- The drawing on the upper-right (SPANISH)
- The drawing on the upper-right (SPANISH)
- The outline of this (SPANISH)
- The outline of this (SPANISH)
- The scene (SPANISH)
- The scene (SPANISH)
- The site (SPANISH)
- The site (SPANISH)
- These you see her are (SPANISH)
- These you see her are (SPANISH)
- This is the case in this document (SPANISH)
- This is the case in this document (SPANISH)
- Two of them also appear (SPANISH)
- Two of them also appear (SPANISH)
- Upon completion of (SPANISH)
- We are at the moment (SPANISH)
- We are at the moment (SPANISH)
- We know some of these documents (SPANISH)
- We know some of these documents (SPANISH)
- a banner (SPANISH)
- a banner (SPANISH)
- a fact that really took place (SPANISH)
- a fact that really took place (SPANISH)
- a faithful reproduction (SPANISH)
- a faithful reproduction (SPANISH)
- a historical fact (SPANISH)
- a historical fact (SPANISH)
- although it is not reproduced here (SPANISH)
- although it is not reproduced here (SPANISH)
- are replaced by other objects (SPANISH)
- as well as the temple (SPANISH)
- battle scenes (SPANISH)
- battle scenes (SPANISH)
- below (SPANISH)
- below (SPANISH)
- besides being a great hunter (SPANISH)
- besides being a great hunter (SPANISH)
- both the red crown and the white crown (SPANISH)
- both the red crown and the white crown (SPANISH)
- by virtue of being (SPANISH)
- by virtue of being (SPANISH)
- cosmetics mixture (SPANISH)
- cosmetics mixture (SPANISH)
- dated at the end of (SPANISH)
- dated at the end of (SPANISH)
- depending on the animal hunted (SPANISH)
- depending on the animal hunted (SPANISH)
- different areas (SPANISH)
- different areas (SPANISH)
- disappear (SPANISH)
- disappear (SPANISH)
- divided between (SPANISH)
- divided between (SPANISH)
- dressed in the ritual garb (SPANISH)
- dressed in the ritual garb (SPANISH)
- due to the decoration (SPANISH)
- due to the decoration (SPANISH)
- entwine their necks (SPANISH)
- entwine their necks (SPANISH)
- give way to (SPANISH)
- graves or spaces of worship (SPANISH)
- graves or spaces of worship (SPANISH)
- have been acquired on the antiquities market (SPANISH)
- have been acquired on the antiquities market (SPANISH)
- have not reached us (SPANISH)
- have not reached us (SPANISH)
- held political unification (SPANISH)
- held political unification (SPANISH)
- imprecise (SPANISH)
- imprecise (SPANISH)
- in the middle of (SPANISH)
- in the middle of (SPANISH)
- in the top row (SPANISH)
- in the top row (SPANISH)
- is essentially the garb of a former hunter (SPANISH)
- is essentially the garb of a former hunter (SPANISH)
- is once again (SPANISH)
- is once again (SPANISH)
- kneeling before him (SPANISH)
- kneeling before him (SPANISH)
- knife (SPANISH)
- knife (SPANISH)
- like the hunter (SPANISH)
- like the hunter (SPANISH)
- like this you see here (SPANISH)
- like this you see here (SPANISH)
- of what would later be the red crown (SPANISH)
- of what would later be the red crown (SPANISH)
- of which Narmer would be the first pharaoh (SPANISH)
- of which Narmer would be the first pharaoh (SPANISH)
- of which we will highlight three here (SPANISH)
- of which we will highlight three here (SPANISH)
- on both sides (SPANISH)
- on both sides (SPANISH)
- on the other hand (SPANISH)
- on the other hand (SPANISH)
- opposing cosmic forces (SPANISH)
- opposing cosmic forces (SPANISH)
- or perhaps by vegetation (SPANISH)
- or perhaps by vegetation (SPANISH)
- prestige goods and materials (SPANISH)
- prestige goods and materials (SPANISH)
- procession of boats (SPANISH)
- procession of boats (SPANISH)
- that marked the end (SPANISH)
- that marked the end (SPANISH)
- that soon embarked on a process (SPANISH)
- that soon embarked on a process (SPANISH)
- that took him as far south as (SPANISH)
- that took him as far south as (SPANISH)
- the drawing (SPANISH)
- the drawing (SPANISH)
- the dual historical state is underway (SPANISH)
- the dual historical state is underway (SPANISH)
- the first two to the left (SPANISH)
- the passages (SPANISH)
- the ritual attire that the king wore (SPANISH)
- the ritual attire that the king wore (SPANISH)
- the second hunter (SPANISH)
- the second hunter (SPANISH)
- the tail of a bull (SPANISH)
- the tail of a bull (SPANISH)
- they have therefore proposed (SPANISH)
- they have therefore proposed (SPANISH)
- this image becomes a synthesis of the other two (SPANISH)
- this image becomes a synthesis of the other two (SPANISH)
- throughout history (SPANISH)
- throughout history (SPANISH)
- to either side of (SPANISH)
- to either side of (SPANISH)
- to ensure control (SPANISH)
- to ensure control (SPANISH)
- two halves of the new dual status (SPANISH)
- two halves of the new dual status (SPANISH)
- two lions (SPANISH)
- two lions (SPANISH)
- was preceded (SPANISH)
- was preceded (SPANISH)
- we saw a knife handle (SPANISH)
- we saw a knife handle (SPANISH)
- we will discuss (SPANISH)
- we will discuss (SPANISH)
- which does not happen in a game of Royal Hunt (SPANISH)
- which does not happen in a game of Royal Hunt (SPANISH)
- which from now on will be the red crown (SPANISH)
- which from now on will be the red crown (SPANISH)
- which highlight (SPANISH)
- which is directed toward a series (SPANISH)
- which is directed toward a series (SPANISH)
- who charge enemies and destroy fortresses (SPANISH)
- who charge enemies and destroy fortresses (SPANISH)
- who is holding the personification (SPANISH)
- who is holding the personification (SPANISH)
- whose material culture (SPANISH)
- whose material culture (SPANISH)
- you all see the drawing (SPANISH)
- you all see the drawing (SPANISH)