I have a Bachelors degree in Philosophy, a Masters in Education, and am currently working as a web developer in Berlin, Germany.
my recommendations here
influential people of the past.

Learning Activity by Month:
- January 2022 (1)
- December 2021 (1)
- February 2021 (1)
- January 2021 (1)
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- January 2020 (1)
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- May 2019 (3)
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- February 2014 (37)
- January 2014 (39)
- December 2013 (16) ...importing*
- November 2013 (10) ...importing*
- October 2013 (17) ...importing*
- September 2013 (24) ...importing*
- August 2013 (26) ...importing*
- July 2013 (11) ...importing*
- January 2013 (1) ...importing*
- (1)
The primary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to build a web site which serves as one place to record the notes of everything that I am learning from MOOC classes, to foreign languages, to useful code examples and technical how-to notes, so that I not only have an overview of what I have learned, but can search and recall these notes at any time.
The secondary goal of this Learn Tracker project is to work together with companies, universities, and MOOC providers to build software that allows employees, students, and learners to record what they are learning in an efficient way so that it serves not only as (1) a record of what they have learned, but also (2) a place for them to review and search what they have learned.
Since January 2013, I have watched and recorded notes on over 300 MOOC lectures from over 30 different courses in both English and French, and have watched and recorded notes and flashcards on over 50 foreign language videos in Italian, French and Spanish. (I am curently still adding notes I took from 2013 and plan to be caught up by the end of January 2014.
- Western Civilization: Ancient and Medieval Europe (1)
- The Talmud: A Methodological Introduction (1)
- Descubriendo la pintura europea de 1400 a 1800 (1)
- Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender (1)
- The Rooseveltian Century (1)
- Orientierung Geschichte (1)
- Moral Foundations of Politics (1)
- Gestion des aires protégées en Afrique (1)
- Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques (1)
- Chinese Thought: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science (1)
- La Commedia di Dante (1)
- The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future (1)
- A History of the World since 1300 (1)
- And in fact
- But not enough because
- Dante pretends to begin the journey
- Everything works with this idea
- From the first verse
- I would say
- In short
- In short, this comedy is really the registry to understand Dante
- In truth, however
- It is therefore not only
- It's up to you to
- Its classification stems from the desire of the pioneers
- Looking closely
- Oedipus wins the duel with the sphinx
- Reference book
- Should therefore be
- So it is a poem about Christ
- The earth moved by this dramatic fall
- The eternal in time
- The third guide
- a broader ecosystem conservation
- a pattern that had already been tested
- a recovery
- a unique landscape
- all over the known world
- also a signal of its long continuity in the collective memory
- and is the character who speaks
- and it ends well
- and so on
- and that is that Dante
- and then be worthy of atonement and glory
- as a game reserve
- as he also said
- as he wrote later
- as well as the database
- at a certain point
- at the dawn of the 20th century
- bad start
- because his dialogue-story lasts as many as three songs
- because in the last verse
- because of its rich
- because the blame is revealed
- becomes the king of Thebes
- before the conclusion of the poem
- begins to cough as to say
- blinded and guilty
- but above all
- but also related the whole story of mankind
- but first in the order of time
- but it brings us back slowly
- but it is also a poem
- but then it ends up very badly
- but this comedy is still alive even in Paradise
- call to cover more area
- coastal areas in general
- consciousness
- current coverage
- each
- each of us has in mind
- even in the last song
- far from being a place of abstraction
- few resources
- following extensions
- for example in the central songs
- for supplying railroad coal
- from any of the other characters
- game reserves
- green spots
- has appropriately recalled
- he has to leave Thebes
- hitherto neglected
- how many human feelings also live in Hell
- human pressures such as poaching
- in different planets and stars of the cosmos
- in front of a church which has degenerated
- in front of the correctness of the world
- in order to begin a new impetus
- in the face of vicious priests
- in the most literal sense of the term
- is not homogeneous nor representative
- is not so much a trip to Beatrice
- it makes my veins and wrists tremble
- it was determined from the first moment of the universe
- it's like a kind of point from which everything radiates
- namely
- not only summarizes the cosmos then known
- obtained from
- of perfection
- of sin that we must take upon ourselves to realize our limitations
- our life takes place in time
- please finish because this story has already gone on too long
- pr. Lucifero
- pr. c'è
- pr. cantiche
- pr. centro
- pr. ci
- pr. cioè
- pr. conosciuto
- pr. cornice
- pr. coscienza
- pr. finge
- pr. irraggia
- pr. leggiamo
- pr. numericha
- pr. precede
- pr. produce
- pr. quasi
- pr. quel
- pr. quindi
- pr. riunisce
- pr. simbologia
- pr. svolge
- pr. viaggio
- reached its current size
- reliable
- remains not only in hell
- responding primarily to the interests of focused use
- reunites all space and time
- simply by being together
- since hundreds if not thousands of years
- since when he reaches the top
- so the tragedy is not the register in which he wants to write his poem
- so there
- sometimes
- sometimes
- songs
- spatial
- spread all over the globe
- tell how much affection
- that becomes
- that colonization was likely to eliminate
- that descends to the center of the earth
- that enabled him
- that is what hastened the numbers
- that many of the verses of the Divine Comedy have become
- the course aims to help us understand
- the most vivid interpreter
- the pit of hell
- the prayer
- the tirade of St. Peter brings us abruptly to earth
- then
- then known
- then takes over as the guide
- there is a walking trail
- these evictions have led to the expulsion
- this poem ends in this great, universal choir
- this unique moment of the revelation of grace
- this world map
- through me is the way into the suffering city
- throughout this Mooc
- to contemplate the mystery of the Trinity
- to get to know it
- toward more protected areas
- until reaching
- wandering livestock
- we are in the middle
- when he speaks
- whether at the gloabl level or
- which allows Dante to have the privilege
- which are also evoked in everyday conversation
- which at its center has the image of Christ
- which explains how he found himself in that dark forest
- which is made worthy to ascend
- which the donors
- which was fully protected from the onset
- while the tragedy starts well
- while to the right
- who is next
- who is sent by Maria
- wild game
- And originally (FRENCH)
- He's coming from the idea that (FRENCH)
- The superman (FRENCH)
- The superman brings out new ways (FRENCH)
- The weak wills (FRENCH)
- a form of asceticism (FRENCH)
- a text taken from the book (FRENCH)
- all these mediocre aspirations of weak wills (FRENCH)
- around which other wills will aggregate (FRENCH)
- as it has been forged over the centuries (FRENCH)
- because at its base (FRENCH)
- by those who are able to want to create (FRENCH)
- carries a meaning (FRENCH)
- comes from a desire that the world meet our desires (FRENCH)
- consolidated in the spinelessness and weakness (FRENCH)
- cutesy (FRENCH)
- does not constrain his power (FRENCH)
- he has a strength (FRENCH)
- in a sometimes questionable way (FRENCH)
- it imposes a duty (FRENCH)
- it is full of irreducible diversity (FRENCH)
- it's about his words (FRENCH)
- live as one is (FRENCH)
- master of none (FRENCH)
- may emerge (FRENCH)
- most acute (FRENCH)
- not even bothering anyone (FRENCH)
- not have to face an uncertain future (FRENCH)
- of what he calls weak wills (FRENCH)
- pr. les hommes en fait (FRENCH)
- pr. mais que valent (FRENCH)
- pr. pouvait être (FRENCH)
- pr. soit fait émerger le surhomme, soit renoncer (FRENCH)
- reassure (FRENCH)
- refuses the test of transcendence (FRENCH)
- ruthlessly (FRENCH)
- saying that weakness is at its base better than force (FRENCH)
- seeing me integrate myself (FRENCH)
- thanks to new interpretations (FRENCH)
- the challenge of what he calls contemporary nihilism (FRENCH)
- the cruelty (FRENCH)
- the desire to excel (FRENCH)
- the excesses of some of these claims (FRENCH)
- the result of a throw of dice (FRENCH)
- the struggle of the will to power (FRENCH)
- the will to power (FRENCH)
- thus is born (FRENCH)
- to enjoy without trouble (FRENCH)
- to go beyond ourselves (FRENCH)
- to supress the creative diversity (FRENCH)
- to whom life is scary (FRENCH)
- towards oneself (FRENCH)
- was also recovered (FRENCH)
- where only the strong survive (FRENCH)
- which gives rise to new vocations (FRENCH)
- who consent to give up (FRENCH)
- who he calls the last men (FRENCH)
- who submits himself to everything around him (FRENCH)
- with the goal to generate new creative efforts (FRENCH)
- Despite the success (SPANISH)
- Dürer got to be so famous (SPANISH)
- Here we see him at 26 years (SPANISH)
- I find that (SPANISH)
- In fact (SPANISH)
- It belongs to (SPANISH)
- It's interesting to ask such questions (SPANISH)
- Look at the variety of lines (SPANISH)
- On the back part (SPANISH)
- On the floor (SPANISH)
- The surrounding wood (SPANISH)
- This is Dürer (SPANISH)
- This other self-portrait (SPANISH)
- This reminds us that (SPANISH)
- We see it for example in this picture (SPANISH)
- a great subtlety (SPANISH)
- a young, elegant man (SPANISH)
- are beautiful and interesting (SPANISH)
- as a source of inspiration (SPANISH)
- bluish green (SPANISH)
- confidence (SPANISH)
- copper has been called (SPANISH)
- drawing and engraving (SPANISH)
- drawings and paintings (SPANISH)
- fighting with a lion (SPANISH)
- fought against (SPANISH)
- had spread to Germany (SPANISH)
- has been emptied leaving the raised letters (SPANISH)
- he also travels a lot (SPANISH)
- he praises the art (SPANISH)
- his fame served an example to other painters (SPANISH)
- his knowledge (SPANISH)
- his paint brushes (SPANISH)
- his pictures (SPANISH)
- his workshop (SPANISH)
- how to draw (SPANISH)
- in support of this thesis and the opposite (SPANISH)
- in themselves (SPANISH)
- indentations and engravings with a chisel (SPANISH)
- is one of the several that he drew (SPANISH)
- it is a simple drawing (SPANISH)
- liberating (SPANISH)
- looking in a mirror (SPANISH)
- mark the shadows (SPANISH)
- not been drawn (SPANISH)
- not for what they represent but as works of art (SPANISH)
- of the dog (SPANISH)
- on how to draw a silhouette of a thumb (SPANISH)
- pencil (SPANISH)
- poured it into his art (SPANISH)
- that echo the mood of the author (SPANISH)
- that was around him (SPANISH)
- the artist draws (SPANISH)
- the background blank (SPANISH)
- the drawn lines (SPANISH)
- the first artists whose prints were (SPANISH)
- the judge ruled that (SPANISH)
- the pillow (SPANISH)
- the rest in blank (SPANISH)
- the signature (SPANISH)
- the size (SPANISH)
- the strokes (SPANISH)
- their changes in direction (SPANISH)
- they remain subject to the prjudices (SPANISH)
- to look at something carefully (SPANISH)
- to reach its essence (SPANISH)
- was highly praised (SPANISH)
- we saw him in a painting (SPANISH)
- we saw it when studying (SPANISH)
- we see on the screen (SPANISH)
- what had been merely a tool (SPANISH)
- when he was already a very successful artist (SPANISH)
- which are still preserved (SPANISH)
- which brought him fame and money (SPANISH)
- which expands our mental world (SPANISH)
- which in the mirror looks as if it were the left (SPANISH)
- which only uses (SPANISH)
- which will later be called woodcut (SPANISH)
- who exanded (SPANISH)
- who sought to reduce (SPANISH)
- who was a goldsmith (SPANISH)
- with a lion (SPANISH)
- wood block (SPANISH)