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Notes on video lecture:
Frida Kahlo: Self Portrait with Cropped Hair
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
desire, artist, loved, tin, black, Madonna, fluid, androgynous, scissors, Diego, power, divorce, folk, femininity, unsettling, desires, Cropped, Mitchell, intimate, ribbon, masculine, saints, women, ironic, unified
retablo is a form of popular          art in Mexico
painted in a small format on       
highly decorative but also strangely                      to the viewer
they present              commentary on life's contradictions
PAINTING: Self-Portrait with                Hair 1940
we see Kahlo dressed in one of           's suits
she has herself represented in the process of cutting off her hair
she is paused in the act of hacking off her crowning glory
admiring herself as if in a mirror,                  still in her hand
framing the portrait are the words at the top
"Mira que si te quise, fué por el pelo, ahora que estás pelona, ya no te quiero."
she has transformed her gendered identity from that of a feminized subject, to a more                    self
she has taken away the Frida that Diego           , and made herself over into a different and almost unrecognizable Frida
who now withdraws her charms from her unfaithful husband
what do pictures want
art historian WJT                  asks this
we talk about the            of pictures over us and how they make us feel
shift the debate from power to             
along the lines of Freud: What do            want?
along the lines of Frantz Fanon: What does the            person want?
Michell wants in a similar way to give agency to the picture
don't confuse the desire of the picture with the desire of the             
what pictures want is not the same as the message they communicate
what pictures want is to be asked what they want
you no longer impose on the pictures what you know about the artist's intentions
what do these paintings want
want to challenge contemporary ideas of                     
PAINTING: Fulang Chang and I
painted along the style of the Renaissance                and Child and so wanted to be quite confrontational
the picture
wants to show how Kahlo herself is bound to the monkey
the monkey is an                  companion
the connecting             
communicate calm
is almost uncanny
the forest of cacti in the background
as if woman, animal and nature are all                together
PAINTING: Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair 1940
what the picture wants
difficult to interpret the painting without the inscription
quote from a folk song
often produced on tin
stories of             
located behind small altars in small churches
about dramas relating to the lives of the saints
here this is about the trials Kahlo has been undergoing in the                from her husband Diego Rivera
the picture doesn't want the viewer to enter into relationship between Frida and her husband
her stance is defiant
she has almost disfigured herself
now the picture seems to want to encourage us to see it in terms of the gay
wants to communicate Kahlo as someone who's sexuality is           
it's making a statement about the fluidity of gender boundaries
it shows an appeal of an                        looking figure
we can always return to a picture and ask again, what does the picture want
it may have different                in different times and circumstances
the picture may want many things
Tiepolo´s Cleopatra: Agency in Paint
The Political and Sexual Agency of Cleopatra
Gainesborough and 18th Century Effeminism
Soldiers, Chivalry, and Men of Feeling
Gainsborough's Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
The Ligoniers: The Tensions of Gender in Paint
Effeminacy and the Culture of Sensibility
Gainsborough's Cottage Door: Charity and Sensibility
Seduction in Boucher's pastoral paintings
Boucher's Madame de Pompadour: Controlling the Gaze
Rococo Eroticism in 18th Century Popular Culture
John Lavery in Morocco: Orientalism and the Academy
Hazel Lavery and the Politics of Display
Hilda Rix Nicholas in Morocco
The Dream by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy
Restaging the Nude: Matisse's Dance
Cezanne’s Bather: Masculinity and Movement
Max Dupain (1911-1992): Australian Men on the Beach
Frida Kahlo's Fulang-Chang and I
Frida Kahlo: Self Portrait with Cropped Hair
Myth and Sexuality: Glyn Philpot's Oedipus
Australian Indigenous Visual Culture