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Notes on video lecture:
Cezanne’s Bather: Masculinity and Movement
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
uneven, rocky, attention, grown, sensual, drapery, facial, hips, Zola, hues, motion, Marseille, bathing, Pennsylvania, solitary, nipple, averted, arresting, green, Marion, Emotions, viewer, anticipation, Paris, nature, weight, scientific, slavish, hands, obsession, nubile, thrill, frisson, absorbed, fossils, forward, stationary, erotic, Eadweard, lightly
Paul Cezanne's The Bather (1885)
one of Cezanne's most                    paintings
subtle tones of grey, blue and           
one of the hundreds of paintings Cezanne made around the subject of bathers and               
painted bathers throughout his career
more than 30 years
many have written on his remarkable                    with the theme
the eroticism of Cezanne's bathers
his at times seemingly out-of-control brush work has been interpreted as conveying a sort sexual               
frisson, n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear, a             
rendition of fleshy and              bodies in which men and women cavort together in a range of settings are at odds with The Bather
a                  figure of a young man in an open landscape
pure, tentative, uncertain,                  in his experience
as he finds his footing through a            coastal terrain
sparse and             
the body of the young man is positioned solidly, though very               
the grey          with green highlights create the feeling of a coastal location
Cezanne famously spent lengthy periods of time in              on his own
enjoyed bathing in the outdoors from his youth in           
where he studied with Émile         
particular feature of this painting that separates it out
figure in the picture is based on and present in a particular photograph
the shape of the body
the                gaze of the subject
the way the figure distributes his              mid-step
the placement of his hands on his         
the folds in the               
even the over-sized             
why did he use a photograph
an experiment
following a program
his                adherence to the features of the photograph
has something of the                      study about it
removed from the studies of              sensation and of the sensual body
rather the body in nature
1872 Darwin: The Expression of the                  in Man and Animals
used photographs to illustrate              expression of emotions
Antoine Fortuné             
professor and director of the Natural History Museum in                   
painter and paleontologist
became one of France's leading Darwinists
researched the                of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire region
Cezanne also used a photograph to study the human form
the combination of the subjective emotions of the bather with the landscape
bathers            are exaggerated
rhyme visually with the bather's feet
the feet also having            in size
a work that is more about the body than bathing
presents a scientific study of a                      body
complements movement forward but has yet to enact that process
                 Muybridge (1830-1904)
English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion
published in 1887 at the University of                         
Etienne-Jules Marey (1830-1904)
a French scientist, physiologist and chronophotographer
lived in Paris
in this way, The Bather stands apart from the many other works that Cezanne drew of bathers
is more like the scientific studies of the human body in              at the time
the primary task Cezanne asks of the             
to ask how the young man takes a step                into a rock pool
it is the precise study of movement
the articulation of the placement of the weight of the human body in                          of stepping forward
not the                pleasure that we associate with Cezanne's pictures of bathing bathers
which has received most of                    of art historians
Tiepolo´s Cleopatra: Agency in Paint
The Political and Sexual Agency of Cleopatra
Gainesborough and 18th Century Effeminism
Soldiers, Chivalry, and Men of Feeling
Gainsborough's Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
The Ligoniers: The Tensions of Gender in Paint
Effeminacy and the Culture of Sensibility
Gainsborough's Cottage Door: Charity and Sensibility
Seduction in Boucher's pastoral paintings
Boucher's Madame de Pompadour: Controlling the Gaze
Rococo Eroticism in 18th Century Popular Culture
John Lavery in Morocco: Orientalism and the Academy
Hazel Lavery and the Politics of Display
Hilda Rix Nicholas in Morocco
The Dream by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy
Restaging the Nude: Matisse's Dance
Cezanne’s Bather: Masculinity and Movement
Max Dupain (1911-1992): Australian Men on the Beach
Frida Kahlo's Fulang-Chang and I
Frida Kahlo: Self Portrait with Cropped Hair
Myth and Sexuality: Glyn Philpot's Oedipus
Australian Indigenous Visual Culture