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Notes on video lecture:
The Atlantic Democratic Revolution and the Republic of Letters
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Caribbean, white, light, Louisiana, Domingue, Guadeloupe, Democratic, Pacific, sympathy, Nantes, expelled, Franklin, revenge, lionized, Atlantic, Enlightenment, abolish, lawyer, social, world, taxation, Spain
how the world of the                  contributed to the French Revolution
the French Atlantic seaports
La Rochelle
part of triangular trade across the Atlantic
1. Britain, France,           
2. colonies
3. slave trade from West Africa
this triangular trade was essential to the dynamics of the            economy
the importance of the Atlantic
in the 20th century we think of the                as where some of the most dynamic economic countries are situated
in late 18th century, it was the Atlantic
for France, the main trade was with
Saint-                 (today Haiti)
the most important
30,000            planters dominate half a million African slaves
produce massive amounts of colonial produce
pre-1756: France occupied in theory much of North America
Quebec down to                   
but the physical presence of French people was rather           
compared to English and German settlers along the East coast
1756-1763: French and Indian War
France is                  from North America
this was a dramatic imperial crisis for France
retains its colonial possession in the                   
sees these are more valuable
1776-1783: American War of Independence
British colonialists rebel against Britain
dramatic consequences
concept of "no                  without representation"
refused to pay taxes for the upkeep of the British empire when they have no representation in British parliament
Declaration of Independence
about more than no taxation without representation
"...whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to                it, and to institute new government."
principles of the                            resonate through this declaration
rights of the governed
             contract between governed and government
The Republic of Letters
emerged in the 17th century as a self-proclaimed community of scholars and literary figures that stretched across national boundaries but respected differences in language and culture
the age of the Atlantic                      Revolution
similarities between what colonists were after
principles of civil liberty that people in other parts of the world were articulating
the ambassador from the United States to France
he was                  by the people of France, extraordinarily popular
Maximilien Robespierre
impressed by American revolution and Benjamin Franklin
French people were not only involved in the War of Independence out of                 
they saw in it a chance to drive their own goals forward
French government supported the American colonists as an act of                against Britain for the loss of North America in 1763


######################### (1758-1794)
French lawyer and politician and one of the most influential and controversial figures of the French Revolution, nicknamed l'Incorruptible
  • advocated against the death penalty
  • advocated for the abolition of slavery
  • supported universal male suffrage
  • supported establishment of a republic
  • opposed dechristianisation of France
  • opposed war with Austria
  • took control of the Revolution in its most radical and bloody phase
  • used terror as a tool to accomplish his overarching goals for democracy
  • arrested and executed in July 1794
An Introduction to the French Revolution
The Essentials of 18th Century France
18th Century French Clergy and Nobility
The Importance of Regionalism and Locality in 18th Century France
The Contribution of the Philosophes to the French Revolution
What were People of 18th Century France Reading?
The Atlantic Democratic Revolution and the Republic of Letters
1780s France Financial Crisis and its Repercussions
The Third Estate in Revolt
The Peasantry in Revolt
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The October Days
1789-91: Making the New Nation
Unresolved Issues of the Revolution
The Turning Point in Church Reform