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600 BC Tyrants and Sages: Cypselus and Periander
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Hellenism, pottery, ironies, endogamy, wisdom, Aetion, Miletus, Lindos, politically, Sparta, Cypselus, ruin, personally, impossible, opportunities, wheat, Plato, Solon, brutality, aristocracy, aphorism
meaning of "tyrant"
the modern meaning of the tyrant is extremely negative, suggesting                   , greed, and lawlessness
the original Greek meaning of tyrant was "someone who seized power in a non-constitutional way and held it                     "
one of the                in ancient Greece is that tyranny was a necessary prelude to democracy
strategically very important
controls both the north-south route in Greece, but also controls the east-west route
for many traders it was easier to sail up the Saronic Gulf, travel across the six kilometers of the isthmus and then continue in the Gulf of Corinth
late 19th century a canal was made
Ancient Corinth
had an                        in control, the Bacchiadae or Bacchiads
800BC-600BC Corinth was a cultural power
practiced                 , the practice of marrying only within a specific clan, rejecting others on such basis as being unsuitable for marriage or other close personal relationships, eventually led to their downfall
may have been responsible for a causeway across the isthmus
under the Bacchiads, became very prosperous
art flourished
characteristic half-smile of statues from this time
enormous amounts of production
middle Eastern motifs
widely distributed throughout the Mediterranean
end of the Bacchiads in Corinth
they were endogamous and hence did not marry outside their clan
one woman, Labda, was lame and no one wanted to marry her
so outsider named              wanted to marry her, they married
a prophecy from Delphi said that this marriage would bring          to Bacchiads
son was born,                  whom the Bacchiads tried to kill him but the legend is that he was too cute of a baby
the boy eventually became a tyrant and overthrew the Bacchiad clan
rule passed to Periander
Periander (627BC-585BC)
ruled 627BC-585BC
son of Cypselus, becomes new tyrant
very harsh, sent slave to another tyrant to find out what to do, he cuts off heads of            stalks, which meant to eliminate the leaders of the opposition
pattern is a not-too-bad father and a much more ruthless son
Periander as an effective ruler, ruled seemingly without incident with no rebellion
he had himself assassinated: commissioned two men to do this, then secretly commissioned four others to kill the original two
seven sages
seven early 6th century BC philosophers, statesmen and law-givers who were renowned in the following centuries for their             .
-Traditionally, each of the seven sages represents an aspect of worldly wisdom which is summarized by an                 .
(1) Cleobulus of              and (2)            of Athens: "All things in moderation", (3) Chilon of             , "You should not desire the                     ", (4) Bias of Prine, "Most men are bad", (5) Thales of               , "Know thyself", (6) Pittacus of Mytilene, "You should know which                            to choose", and Periander of Corinth, "Be farsighted in everything".
some scholars say this group as a group was created by           
had a wide geographical distribution
that they ever knew each other is clearly a fiction
yet they had in common that they all:
wrote poetry
were                        active
engaged in performance
these men can be seen as "culture heroes" embodying the combination of practical experience, theoretical wisdom, wit, and the ability to impress a large group of people, together they represented Pan-                  , a growing sense of what it meant to be Greek over and above what it meant to be from a particular city-state
Hesiod's Creation Myth: Theogony
The Spartan Way of Life
600 BC Tyrants and Sages: Cypselus and Periander
800-700 BC: Athens Before Solon
Solon Against Political, Economic, and Moral Decline
Peisistratos: Tyranny and Civic Identity
The End of Athenian Tyranny and the Democratic Revolution
508 BC: The Democratic Reforms of Cleisthenes
Herodotus and The Histories
The First Persian War and the Battle of Marathon
Themistocles, Silver, and Greek Naval Policy
Xerxes and the Second Invasion of Greece
The Delian League
From Delian League to Athenian Empire
Pericles: Aristocrat, Orator and Democratic Citizen
Sophocles' Antigone: Tragedy and Athenian Civic Life