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Android Permissions
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
camera, strings, BroadcastReceiver, cost, resources, memory, components, invoke, dangerous, define
Android uses permissions to protect                   
which applications can use         -sensitive APIs, e.g. SMS
protects user information
system resources such as the             
permissions are represented as               
stored in AndroidManifest.xml file
when application wants to use a permissions
specifies a uses-permission tag in AndroidManifest.xml file
when user installs, has to accept this permission
in the earlier application, we access the contacts on the phone, here is how the app requrested the permission:
Android applications can also              and enforce permissions
e.g. your application performs a priviledged/                   operation
you want to put a permission on it so other applications can't              it
e.g. you have an app that formats an external              card
the application can be started just by touching icon
AndroidManifest.xml file
any other application that wants to use it will have to acquire the permission
if it doesn't have permission
second application
will get permission error
to fix that, add element:
Android even allows you to set permission for                     
Activity permissions
Service Permissions
ContentProvider Permissions
Android Architecture
The Android Development Environment
Developing an Android App
The Activity Class
Fields of the Intent Class
Android Permissions
The Fragment Class