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Notes on video lecture:
Modular Theory of Mind and the Non-Self
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
coherently, executive, module, activation, external, concentration, equilibrium, influence, everyday, default, offended, friendships, quiet, nature, meditate, clever, traction, essence, end, feelings, interpretations, solution, Buddhist, enemies, bid, triggered, selves
modular view of the mind
there is no chief                    in your brain
but many modules that take turns exerting dominant                    on your thought and behavior
this corresponds with the                  idea of the self
that there is no self at the core that persists                      through time
Buddhist mediation
can the module view of the mind help in meditation and help explain what is going on in people's minds when they                 
jealous state of mind
a modular mechanism that coordinates various thoughts and perceptions to a specific       
mechanisms bubbling up and down in different levels of                     
"               mode network"
gets activated when the mind isn't engaged in anything in particular
gets quiet during meditation
often doesn't get            easily
can be seen as a collection of modules trying to get your attention
e.g. affiliative module: "I wonder if I                  that person yesterday"
responsible for maintaining                        and navigating the social landscape
e.g. mate-attraction module: "that person was quite attractive, I wonder if they would go out to eat with me, what              things could I say?"
these examples don't always suggest that information in the immediate environment                    the module
quieting of the default mode network
particularly effective in quieting the default mode network
once you establish the concentration and                       , you head up in a different path from the concentration mediator
mindfulness meditation
looking at things in your mind with
more objectivity
less attachment
then carrying this view into                  life
your feelings
you view them in a new way
they don't get the same kind of                  they used to have
                 are what trigger modules
show a scary movie, it activates a different module than seeing a romantic movie
jealous triggers a certain set of modular operations
there are always feelings associated with modules
modules        for your attention with feelings
e.g. "did I offend that person"
you make it go away by finding a                 
e.g. I will send an e-mail to that person
the modular has done its work
feelings are things that give modules power over you
you can read feelings as signs which modules are vying for your attention
is this a useful way of talking about modules which are introduced by feelings over and above simply talking about the feelings themselves
e.g. hatred
a feeling that defines               
you can be angry as someone who is a friend, but if you hate them, they are an enemy
natural select has seemed to given the human being particular ways to deal with enemies and particular ways to deal with friends
when our friends do something good, we attribute it to their inner               
if they do something bad, we attribute it to some                  factor, some circumstance
similar to our own behavior
with our enemies it is the opposite
when they do something bad, we explain it as their             
when they do something good, it is a result of some external circumstance
it's in our interest to undermine our enemies, the people who can do us harm
this is a kind of propaganda tool, but to spread the propaganda more effectively, we actually believe this
the not-self doctrine
the Buddhist theme on the not-self is open to differing                               
one less ambitious interpretation
there is no part of your mind that has to be a part of yourself
there is no feeling you have to own, no thought you have to own
you can choose which things to let go of
to translate this into              terms
there is no module you have to be
each module is trying to become the self for awhile
this is why they are referred to as sub-            
there are people who have had meditative experiences who claim to have seen the absence of a self in themselves, I guess I should put that last selves in quotes perhaps, but they have experientially come to know the doctrine of the not-self.
how does the modular view of the mind help us to understand these experiences

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

On the convincing nature of hatred, via tonight's Buddhism and Modern Psychology class:

"Hatred is a feeling that defines enemies. You can be angry at someone who is a friend, but if you hate them, they are your enemy. The human mind has built into it particular ways to deal with enemies and particular ways to deal with friends.

When our friends do something good, we attribute it to their inner essence, their character, their inner intentions. If they do something bad, we attribute it to some external factor, some exterior circumstance that caused them to act this way.

With our enemies, it is the opposite:When they do something bad, we explain it as their inner nature, their character, their intentions. When they do something good, it is a result of some external circumstance, some ulterior motive that made them act good in a particular situation. People who we feel may do us harm we define as our enemies, and once defined as enemies, no amount of evidence will convince us otherwise, since our minds understand their bad behavior as their nature, and their good behavior as some anomaly caused by some exterior circumstance.

This is a kind of propaganda tool that our minds have developed to protect us and keep us safe, and to spread the propaganda even more effectively, our minds encourage us to actually believe it."
Insights through irony, via this morning's Buddhism and Modern Psychology class: "There are people who have had meditative experiences who claim to have seen the absence of a self in themselves, I should put that last selves in quotes perhaps, but they have experientially come to know the doctrine of the not-self."
Naturalistic Buddhism
Feelings and Illusions
The First Two Noble Truths
Buddhism as Rebellion Against Natural Selection's Agenda
The Eightfold Path and the Matrix
Mindful Meditation
The Default Mode Network
The Evolution and Purpose of Feelings
Anātman: Buddha's Concept of the Not-Self
The Five Aggregates and the Non-Self
Left Brain, Right Brain, and The Self
Delusions of the Self
What Mental Modules Are Not
The Modular Theory of the Mind
Modular Theory of Mind and the Non-Self
Mind Modularity, Cravings, and Self Control
The Experience of the Not-Self
The Exterior Version of the Non-Self