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Notes on video lecture:
Left Brain, Right Brain, and The Self
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
right, disconnected, straining, flash, motivation, world, language, deserves, motivated, subliminal, animal, split, flashed, conscience, conscious, driving, overall, callosum, chicken, work, talking, randomly, shovel, hands, behavior, models, self, fabrications, Gazzaniga, Freud, answer, accurate, visual
what do we make of this thing we call the         ?
the thing that we call the self, the                    me, the thing that we think is running the show, may not be running as much of the show as we think
we may be attributing much more power and control to this concept than it really                 
this idea goes back to pre-modern psychology
          : the self is controlled in large part by unconscious forces
specific ideas that Freud came up with
although Freud was skeptical of the power of the self, he wasn't skeptical enough
had a three part model:
id: harbors dark,              forces
ego: in the middle, the self, attributed independent power to it
today, many              of the mind have no place for the self at all
the modern history of doubt about the power of the self
the            brain experiments
have very strange results
two halves of their brains have been                         
to control seizures, had their corpus                  severed
at first it didn't have much noticeable effect except to control the seizures
1960s: Michael                   
pioneered studies in learning and understanding split brained patients and how their brains work
information from right side of the              field enters the left side of the brain and vice versa
so its possible for information to be put in one side of the brain which just goes there and doesn't go to the other side of the brain
1.                word experiment
they would flash a word in one side, patient would say, "I don't see a word"
in most people its the left hemisphere that houses the                  faculties
the left half of the brain does the               
the right hemisphere controls the left hand, the left hemisphere controls the right hand
if you flash an instruction such as "walk" in the left field of vision so it goes to the right brain
the person will get up and walk
if you ask the person where he is going
the left brain doesn't know about this, but it tends to come up with an             , e.g. I'm going to get something to drink, and apparently will believe it
2. experiment
presented to the left hemisphere an image of a                claw
right hemisphere got image of wintery scene with a lot of snow
let both            choose from another of pictures
hand associated with the left hemisphere chose the chicken
hand associated with the right hemisphere chose the snow shovel
they ask him way:
the chicken claw goes with the chicken
you need a              to clean out the chicken shed
so the left brain in explaining why he has a shovel has come up with a story which is coherent, it's just not true
take away from these experiments
1. suggest that the conscious self is capable of greatly overestimating its influence it is exerting on                 
2. suggest that the conscious self can promulgate and apparently believe wildly untrue stories about what is actually true of the           
we say suggests because these were not anatomically anatomically normal people
we are not seeing the conscious self work as it normally functions
how to study dual-brain effects on anatomically normal people
people are                    to do things and come up with stories about why they are motivate to do things
study: pantyhose
Nisbett and Wilson
four pair of pantyhose
people had a strong tendency to choose the pair on the far           
the people were not aware of this
they would make up reasons why the one on the right were the same model
they were                    to come up with a reason for what they have done
does not enter the conscious mind but influences behavior
           information on screen very fast
study: squeeze
here is a hand grip, the harder you squeeze it the more money you are going to make
each time                  determined if reward would be a penny or a pound
before they grabbed grip, a pattern would be shown, then shown pattern
when pound was shown subliminally, they squeezed harder
brain scan
part associated with emotion and                     
when it became aware, brain region became more active when pound was shown than penny
scans were same for subliminal showing
conclusion: same brain area is more active whether conscious of it or not
"consistently, the same basal fore-brain region underpinned subliminal and conscious motivation"
experiment: story pictures
pictures tell coherent story
man gets up, goes to         , etc.
then show same pictures with more added
ask if pictures are new
some are very similar, e.g. different picture of him                to work
some completely different, e.g. playing golf
normally anatomically
easily reject obviously pictures which were not there
and will include some that are slightly different
split brain patients
right brain is strictly                 
right brain is about detailed truth
sees the trees instead of the forest
left brain is more about                plot line
left brain is responsible for telling stories to the world
left brain: the main thing is to have a story to tell
left brain: tells stories about ourselves
the left brain is capable of buying into massive                         


promulgate, v. promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)  "These experiments suggest that the conscious self can promulgate and apparently believe wildly untrue stories about what is actually true of the natural world."

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

Useful 20th century psychological insights via this morning's Buddhism and Modern Psychology class: "The thing that we call the self, the conscious me, the thing that we think is running the show, may not be running as much of the show as we think. We may be attributing much more power and control to this concept than it really deserves."
Gazzaniga and LeDoux's dual-consciousness experiment via this evening's Buddhism and Modern Psychology class: "Split-brain patients (people who have had their corpus callosum severed, which connects both hemispheres of the brain, in order to stop epileptic seizures) were asked to perform a simultaneous concept task. Each patient was shown two pictures:(1) a house in winter time, and (2) a chicken's claw. The pictures were positioned so they would exclusively be seen in only one visual field of the brain, the winter house so it would only be seen in the patient's left visual field, which corresponds to the brain's right hemisphere, and the chicken's claw so it would only be seen in the patient's right visual field, which corresponds to the brain's left hemisphere. A series of pictures was then placed in front of the patients. Gazzaniga and LeDoux then asked each patient to choose a picture with his right hand and a picture with his left hand. Each patient consistently chose the snow shovel with his left hand (corresponding to his brain's right hemisphere) and his right hand chose the chicken's head (corresponding to the brain’s left hemisphere). When the patient was asked why he had chosen the pictures he had chosen, the answer he gave was astonishing:"The chicken claw goes with the chicken head, and you need a snow shovel to clean out the chicken shed." The left brain, which is responsible for language and coming up with logical reasoning, because it was not informed about what the other half of the full brain's consciousness had experienced, had made up an answer that was coherent, but not true."
Naturalistic Buddhism
Feelings and Illusions
The First Two Noble Truths
Buddhism as Rebellion Against Natural Selection's Agenda
The Eightfold Path and the Matrix
Mindful Meditation
The Default Mode Network
The Evolution and Purpose of Feelings
Anātman: Buddha's Concept of the Not-Self
The Five Aggregates and the Non-Self
Left Brain, Right Brain, and The Self
Delusions of the Self
What Mental Modules Are Not
The Modular Theory of the Mind
Modular Theory of Mind and the Non-Self
Mind Modularity, Cravings, and Self Control
The Experience of the Not-Self
The Exterior Version of the Non-Self