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Notes on video lecture:
The Eightfold Path and the Matrix
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Matrix, misconceptions, bad, unsatisfactoriness, nirvana, abandonment, Asia, delusion, enlightenment, Dharma, clearly, Livelihood, work, Abrahamic, last, gossip, unsatisfactoriness, unpleasant, commandments, mean, doctrine, liberation, truths
first two noble             
the bad news and good news respectively
the bad news is that life is full of                                     
the good news is that we have at least isolated the cause: craving, clinging to things that don't         
third and fourth noble truth
more good news and then some        news
the third noble truth tells us what the cure is, i.e. the                        of craving and clinging
the fourth noble truth spells out the path you are going to have to follow to obtain full                     , and it turns out that it is an eightfold path, i.e. eight things you have to master if you want to be liberated:
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech (virtue)
4. Right Action (virtue)
5. Right                      (virtue)
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness (meditation)
8. Right Concentration (meditation)
many people are surprised that so many items on the list do not have to do with mediation
most lay Buddhists in          don't meditate at all
many Buddhist monks meditate
many people in the West feel that Buddhism doesn't have this hangup that the                    religions have, that there are not all these oppressive lists of do's and don'ts
however, 3, 4, and 5, have quite a bit of overlap with the ten                          and in some ways they are more demanding
e.g. 3. Right Speech
don't say things that are not true, avoid idle             , don't say          things about people
7 and 8
more heavy lifting: abandon craving and clinging, lose our aversion to                      things
this isn't just liberation, it's                           
meditative practice exists on a spectrum
one end: therapeutic practice
come home from          stressed out
ten minutes of medication
don't think about any Buddhist                 
if you can't eliminate all of your                                     , you can eliminate some of it
other end: practice with goal to achieve               
in the middle: spiritual practice
not just about self help
desire to become a better person
see world more clearly
desire to strip yourself from delusions and misconceptions that seem to be happy for human beings
spiritual practice is about more than self-help
the Matrix
modern psychology nor mainstream Buddhism tells us that we are as deluded about reality
as in in The              movie
many western Buddhists identify with this film
call it a              movie
allegory of a process of overcoming                  in a significant sense and fighting for liberation
Buddhist practice in this sense involves having a little Keanu Reeves
someone who is adamant about seeing things more               
Buddhist enlightenment
what a psychologist today would say your consciousness would be like if you stripped it of all the                              and delusions that seem to be built into us by natural selection
Naturalistic Buddhism
Feelings and Illusions
The First Two Noble Truths
Buddhism as Rebellion Against Natural Selection's Agenda
The Eightfold Path and the Matrix
Mindful Meditation
The Default Mode Network
The Evolution and Purpose of Feelings
Anātman: Buddha's Concept of the Not-Self
The Five Aggregates and the Non-Self
Left Brain, Right Brain, and The Self
Delusions of the Self
What Mental Modules Are Not
The Modular Theory of the Mind
Modular Theory of Mind and the Non-Self
Mind Modularity, Cravings, and Self Control
The Experience of the Not-Self
The Exterior Version of the Non-Self