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Notes on video lecture:
Article III: The Judicial Branch
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
courts, manifesto, country, President, Cherokee, quickly, capture, stronger, FBI, Faubus, obey, impartial, ruling, state, independent, life, desegregate, presidency, crowds, Airborne, Supreme, independent, Indians, majestic, waits, country, respected, passive, listen, lower, steel, Aaron, difference, law, powerless
Article III of the Constitution gives us the             
actually it only gives us the                Court
that there are            federal courts at all depends on Congress
Supreme Court
decides cases, but not just any case
cases that you cannot leave to            courts
where we need to have one interpretation for the whole               , not for only one state
when you can't trust a state court to be                   , e.g. when one state sues another state
makes sure that federal law means the same thing in different parts of the               
resolve disagreements of state courts about the meaning of federal law and the Constitution
it            for cases to come to it
it can't reach out and make a decision on a case on its own initiative
courts are               , not active
in this sense it is weaker than Congress or the                    who can initiate actions on their own
in some ways they are                 
it has the power to strike down a       
it has the power to order the President not to do something, "You think you can seize the            mills, Harry Truman? We disagree, give them back."
has the last word on the meaning of the Constitution
but will they             ?
Congress can take away spending from programs they don't like
the President has the        and the army and can use force to get his way
in the early days the Supreme Court was not as                    as it is now
didn't meet in current                  building, built in the 1930s, but met in the basement of the Capitol
decisions were not always respected
1831: dispute between                  nation and Georgia
court said land belongs to               
Georgia ignored it and the Supreme Court was                    to stop it
1953: Supreme Court ordered states to                        their schools
101 Southern members of Congress signed a                    denouncing the decision
Southern governors vowed to resist
1957: Orval              called in the Arkansas National Guard to stop African American students from attending Little Rock Central High School
Federal district court in Arkansas ordered the National Guard to stand down and they did
but the police who replaced them were unable to control the             
President Eisenhower sent in the 101st                 
an example of: if force is required, it has to come from either Congress or the President, not the Supreme Court, who only makes the             
this is the                      between the Cherokee case and the Little Rock case
Cooper v.            settled this dispute, ruling that "the states were bound by the Supreme Court's decisions and had to enforce them even if the states disagreed with them"
the reason we          the Supreme Court is not because they always make good decisions
it's because we feel that these decisions are                        of states' interests
Constitutions goes to great lengths to make sure that decision of Supreme Court is neutral
judges hold their offices for         
the                        judiciary is probably the most important aspect of the government now in terms of the separation of powers, especially because of the party system
one party can take over the Presidency and Congress pretty               
Supreme Court is harder to               
political party has to control the                      for a long time to control the court to provide new judges
Why We Needed a Constitution
Creating the Constitution
Structural, Backward-Looking, and Forward-Looking Provisions
Article I: The Legislative Branch
Article II: The Executive Branch
Article III: The Judicial Branch
The Bill of Rights
The Progressive Amendments: 16, 17, 18, and 19
Freedom of Speech
The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion Clause
The Establishment Clause
The Fourth Amendment: Protection from Unreasonable Search and Seizure
The Fifth Amendment and the Miranda Warning
The Sixth Amendment