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Notes on video lecture:
Scientific Inquiry
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
juncture, irrelevant, defend, money, post, messier, cookbook, data, DNA, anomalous, interpretation, beginning, more, problem, encompasses, above, reproducible, looking, nothing, science, extreme, hypothesizing, spiraling, life, general, multiple, analytical, experiment, original
scientific inquiry
progressive, looping feedback of                  stages of inquire that culminate in the establishment of a new cycle of inquiry
an infinite process of                           , testing, observing
stages on spiral that narrows onto a                area
pilot experimentation
re-iterate and re-initiate
at each stage you know          about what you are investigating and you know more about what you don't know
science has the two-prong approach which always brings us to (1) a new                  for new possibilities of investigation, as well as (2) more information about what we are investigating
scientific method
standard scientific method does not accommodate the            approach very well
scientific method is generally taught in the                  approach
ask a question
do background research
construct a hypothesis
test your hypothesis by doing an                     
analyze your data and draw a conclusion
communicate your results
the goal was to get some kind of scientific result that you could             , publish, and have inserted into the lexicon of science
e.g. in Yellowstone and other similar places, people thought that the underground water too hot to support any kind of         
hypothesis is that life does indeed live there and you prove it
as scientific method is taught, you learn that life is there and then you stop
the reality is that you take that idea that life exists in                environments and then asking the next question, and that is scientific inquiry
good science is                and larger than the scientific method
good science often yields results that you were not                for and it yields information that has nothing to do with the original hypothesis
where the scientific method sees this as a                      information, the scientific inquiry sees it as very valuable information
so scientific inquiry                        scientific method, sees it as a valid approach but that it is used repetitively in the cycle of inquiry
so by going back to Yellowstone we know that microbes that regenerate and recreate their        composition by using a certain suite of chemicals and those chemicals are now used in human medicine
science requires us to go back over and over again to reevaluate what was concluded
               tells us what we know but also what we don't know
goal of excellent science is to both generate knowledge of what we know as well as knowledge of what we don't know
this is the process of consistent                    inquiry
steps of scientific inquiry
1. initiation:                  idea
what we see doesn't fit with the past
it becomes                   
it becomes a value to study
come up with a structured hypothesis
2. pre-experimentation
logical thought experiments
they cost                but time and concentration
3. pilot experimentation
collect and evaluate pilot data
suite of                      approaches
measurements, photographs
4. pilot experimentation
collect and evaluate pilot         
5. experimentation
full data collection and evaluation
experiments that are done well can cost a lot of time, money and effort
           is often the limiting factor
you only want to start this phase when you have the highest possibility of good results
6. post-experimentation
synthesis and                             
modelling which combines the data either logically or with computers
test directly the original hypothesis
this stage should never wait until the experiment is over, but should start at some moderate level during the experimentation phase
continual checks to see if the data you are getting are                         
7. reiterate and re-initiate
refine and develop new ideas
take the results of your work, go to the                   
ask (A) are the results of your work adequately fulfilling your hypothesis, and (B) what are the other avenues, uncertainties, and unknowns that the result of this process has given you
in scientific inquiry one is constantly moving in a spiral direction toward a                goal

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

On the difference between scientific method and scientific inquiry via this morning's Emergence of Life class: "The scientific method is generally taught as a cookbook approach:(1) ask a question, (2) do background research, (3) construct a hypothesis, (4) test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, (5) analyze your data and draw a conclusion, and (6) communicate your results. The goal has generally been to get some kind of scientific result that you could defend, publish, and have inserted into the lexicon of science. But science is messier and larger than the scientific method, science done well often yields results that you were not looking for and it yields information that has nothing to do with the original hypothesis. Where the scientific method sees this as irrelevant information, the wider focused scientific inquiry sees it as potentially very valuable information and so the scientific inquiry encompasses the scientific method by using it repetitively in the cycle of inquiry."
Reductionism vs. Holism
Philosophical Benchmarks in Science
Scientific Inquiry
Order of Magnitude in the Sciences