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Notes on video lecture:
1980s: CENTCOM and Operation Bright Star
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Carter, communist, hero, steely, uninhibited, Kingston, training, Bright, Morocco, ships, deference, authorities, capacity, Iran, Garcia, bombers, ports, Rapid, military, present, natural, responsibility, budget, luxury, mobility, Western, Central, wars, triumphal, Japan, excess, Orange, decades, conflict, fortifications, security, Rights, Egyptian, priority, Oman, intervention, intellectually, intervention, East, Middle, USEUCOM, assertiveness, ambitious
Carter's effort to resolve the          hostage crisis ultimately succeeded after dragging on 444 days
Iranian                        chose January 20, 1981 as the date to set the hostages free
the date Carter left office and Ronald Reagan became president
so Reagan presidency began on a                    note
some argued that the prospect of dealing with a              Reagan rather than a weak and wimpy Carter persuaded the Ayatollahs to release the hostages
Reagan has become a          of conservatism
two themes define the Reagan presidency
1.                    to the market
near                        capitalism would trickle down to the benefit of all
it was imperative for the United States to be the strongest                  power in the world
"defense is not a              item, you spend what you need"
increase in military spending, 35% in two terms
                   bloc was in a state of advanced decay
military build up facilitated                          in the Greater Middle East
1980, preliminary step towards implementing the              doctrine
           Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF)
lieutenant General Robert                 , RDJTF commander, stated that his mission was to assure the unimpeded flow of oil from the Arabian Gulf
freedom was at stake: not freedom as described in the Bill of             , but freedom as lifestyle
Americans had embraced a lifestyle on                  and consumption
candidate Reagan insisted that more than ample supplies of oil and                gas were available within the United States itself
president Reagan affirmed Carter's declaration that the Persian Gulf represented a vital US national                  interest
Reagan replaced the RDJTF with the United States                Command (CENTCOM)
the Pentagon now had a permanent agency charged with laying the groundwork for war in the Greater              East
CENTCOM was a part of a larger plan to have a military presence around the globe:
a four-US commander charged with presiding over each designated area of                             
War Plan             
joint U.S. army and navy war plans for dealing with a possible war with            during the years between the First and Second World Wars
influenced much of what the army and navy did between the         
construction of                             
stationing of troops
design of            and planes
conduct of war games
CENTCOM was similar to War Plan Orange beginning in the 1980s
on a more                    scale
but while War Plan Orange knew who the enemy was, CENTCOM did not have the              of knowing who the enemy would be: Iraq, Iran, Syria, the Soviet Union, etc.
nor could they assume that the character of any resulting                  would be conventional, e.g. nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons were all a possibility, also unconventional methods were possible such as terrorism and guerrilla acts
protecting Saudi Arabia was                  number 1 for CENTCOM
analogous to defending                Europe or South Korea
and one could be                              comfortable the goals of CENTCOM
it resembled what the U.S. military had been doing elsewhere for               
committing the United States to defend Saudi Arabia would soon open up a Pandora's box of unwelcome surprises
gearing up for war in the Middle          involved:
negotiating access
preparing infrastructure
pre-positioning equipment
arranging for over flight rights
permission to use airfields and sea ports
in 1980,          agreed to allow the Pentagon to use the coastal island of Masirah
access agreements were also signed with Kenya, Somalia,               , and Egypt
preparing infrastructure meant
expanding the capacity of those airfields and            to accommodate a surge in military traffic
Saudi Arabia constructed a network of airfields and military support facilities with a capacity far in              of what Saudi forces required
stocking weapons, ammunition, supplies close to the prospective war zone
Oman, Bahrain, and Israel allowed Pentagon to stockpile equipment and ammunitions on their territory
one of the last remaining islands of British Empire
to facilitate it's transfer to a US naval facility, Great Britain expelled the 2000 inhabitants
example of how the Carter Doctrine triggered an institutional response aimed at facilitating US                          in the Greater Middle East
in the 1980s, the Reagan Administration invested $1 billion to expand Diego Garcia's air and port                 
to accommodate the largest strategic                and Navy warships
the island became a "vital and indispensable platform for projecting American military power"
Operation              Star
a series of combined and joint training exercises led by American and                  forces in Egypt
began in 1980, rooted in the Camp David Accords
after its signing, the military forces of Egypt and the United States agreed to conduct coalition                  in Egypt
held every two years up to               

Spelling Corrections:

Events of 1979 That Changed American Foreign Policy
Carter's 1979 Warnings of Dependency on Middle East Oil
1980s: CENTCOM and Operation Bright Star
1980s: The United States, Iran and Iraq