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Notes on video lecture:
The Definition of Propaganda and Fake News
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
President, dangerous, generate, misrepresenting, new, propaganda, democracy, uncovering, muddy, good, historically, culture, untruths, challenge, harmful, fake, confidential, rhetorical, manipulate, diligence, distort, cynical, legislation, accurate, enough, buzz, democratic, communists
the term fake news has become a contemporary          word
the concept itself is not        at all
people in power have always
used information to                      public opinion
manipulated information to                facts about the world and gain access to more power
the way that worked is he had his own brand of          news
people would be named as                      with little factual basis
the news would cover this, although not fake news, the press is merely reporting what a government official is saying
that itself is truth
but the foundation of the material was                     
it was a war of values which government officials were waging, and they were waging it by telling                  and allowing these untruths to be reported, which, in being reported, were understood as truths
journalists sometimes write stories that are
make us feel         
are just a nice way to spend a Sunday
the                      purpose of journalists, newspapers, magazines, and television is to give us news that we can actually use to do something
so if that material that journalists have access to isn't                 , or worse, if it's inaccurate because it is being used to intentionally mislead us
then the foundations of                    are at stake
we can't expect to make accurate decisions based on the scope of the information available
we are in a way merely falling in line with what people in power are trying to make us do
it gets            when we are trying to parse out
inaccurate reporting
fake news
doesn't necessarily have a propagandistic element
we see it being spread around in ways that isn't part of a coordinated campaign
it is often merely something that is meant to                  clicks, e.g. one of one hundred fake news sites run by the same individual
and some of these are quite profitable
that profit motive is a key factor in distinguishing fake news from inaccurate reporting or propaganda
                        , propaganda is a tool used by people in power to manipulate the public
with fake news, that's not always the case
but they are both                    in very distinct ways
as a investigative journalist, this trend of people labeling anything that they disagree with as fake news is                to me and my profession
my career is focused on                      political abuses, abuses of power, and corruption
journalists depend on trust, not only with my sources who give them                          information
but trust with the public
that when they go forward with an investigation, that people know they have done my due                   
that they know they've only relied on the best information
that they are not                                themselves or the data in the research that they have
so this climate where sources such as the New York Time and the Washington Post are being labeled as fake news by the                    of the United States
it's not just a                      device, this has real world implications for journalists doing their work
since if people have developed the habit of calling what they don't agree with fake news and so they don't believe it
that all news is being treated as equally               , equally untrustworthy, as a result we are making ourselves numb to what information is more reliable than other information
primary dangers of fake news
it's an outlet to do what all of us want to do
to find information that confirms what we already believe
but the                    of being a citizen in a democracy is to constantly put our beliefs up to scrutiny
fake news isn't doing that labeling news you don't want to read and engage with isn't doing that
when we all do this, our                will come to a stand still
we can't move forward in political discussions, with                       , with government hearings, with voting if we are just acting on information that we want to believe is true
that's not              in a democracy
How We Know Things
Democratic News Consumption: The Ideal and the Reality
The Definition of Propaganda and Fake News
Seven Types of Inaccurate News
How News Has Changed
Accuracy in the Digital Era