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Notes on video lecture:
Notre Dame and the Wave of Cathedral Building
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on January 7, 2018 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Amiens, 10, Muslims, 4th, invasions, Peace, Alexander, Viollet, Merovingian, Charlemagne, collapsed, Parisorum, 800, Magyars, God, Norsemen, Celtic, 1000, Sully, crusade, Christianized, 12th, Clovis, Viking, Stephen, capital, Childebert
Paris of the          century was one of the great stopping places
the city had been settled by a              tribe, the Parisii in the 3rd century BC
52 BC Romans establish Gallo-Roman settlement "Lutetia                   "
Île de la Cité
where the Cathedral of Notre Dame built      centuries later
early history of Paris
3rd century AD
France was                           
occupied by Germanic King             
496 converted to Christianity
508 Clovis made Paris his               
800                        united much of Europe under his rule
814 Charlemagne died and Europe found itself vulnerable to                   
               from the Mediterranean
               from the east
                 from Scandinavia
845 Paris was attacked by              invaders
sailed their ships up the Seine
looted and burned what they could
876 Viking invasion
population 20,000
885 Viking invasion
911            treaty with Vikings
1200 population 110,000
1348 Black Death
population 250,000
plague was killing        people per day
opening of trade routes
Notre Dame
and early basilica stood where Notre Dame now stands
build in        century
6th century
Christianity became the official religion of state in Paris (Lutetia Parisiorum)
Church of St.               
built to the west of the site of Notre Dame
possibly under the reign of King                      (496-558)
1182 East Choir completed
Maurice de            (-1196)
1163 corner stone of Notre Dame was laid
in the presence of Pope                    III (1105-1181)
first wall of Notre Dame built was restored in 19th century by Eugene Emmanuel               -le-Duc
flying buttress
was meant to offset a lateral pressure exerted by a wide ceiling vault
some saw in a building so high, a violation of       
3rd                was declared on the steps of Notre Dame
vault of 32.8 meters, it was the highest church when built
cathedrals at Noyon, Sens, Chartres (1194), Bourges,              (1221), Laon, Le Mans, Beauvais (1225), and Reims (1212) all surpassed Notre Dame in height
the vault at Beauvais was so high that it                    in 1284
many theologians, clergymen, statesmen and feudal princes were convinced that the world would end in 1000
this may have curtailed the desire to built big and high, which became popular after         
Notre Dame and the Wave of Cathedral Building