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Notes on video lecture:
Why do Mountains Matter?
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on March 27, 2017 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Yukon, playgrounds, divine, landscapes, tourism, foreign, 20, Virunga, biodiversity, population, fresh, visit, erosion, controlled, minerals, transformed, rivers, biological, juxtaposition, communications, Bolivia, fragile, moisture, alpine, country, jungles, Hunan, quarter, solitude, afford, carnivores, indigenous, endemic, Sherpa, sustainable, gorillas, cultural, feared, national, 30, avalanches
why mountains matter
important in almost every               
compose one                of the world's surface
one quarter of the world's                      live in or close to mountains
mountain ecosystems
almost all world's major              have their head waters in mountains
more than half of the world's population relies on the            water that collects in mountainous regions
drinking water
domestic use
hydro power from mountain water sheds make up nearly     % of the world's entire electricity supply
mountain forests
provide millions of timber and other products
capture and store rainfall and                 
maintain water supply
regulate river flow
reducing                and down stream sedimentation
geological forces
raised mountains up
concentrated assemblages of                 
mountain mines are a major source of the worlds ores and precious metals
hot spots for                         
provide habitats that support and sustain a large variety of different species
increasing altitudes create a dense                            of differing ecological communities
can range radically from dense tropical                to hard glacial ice with just a few kilometers
many mountains can be thought of as islands
rise above the vast plains of human transformed                     
many plants and animals are                to mountain regions
evolved in isolation over millennia to inhabit specialized              environments
function as                      corridors connecting isolated habitats or protected areas
allowing species the critical space they need to migrate and thrive
Western Canadian Rocky Mountains
provide the large wild spaces
support grizzly bears and other large                     
provide sanctuaries for plants and animals long since displaced from the                        lowlands
volcanoes of the                Mountains along the border of Rwanda in East Africa
the last of the mountain                  live, numbering fewer than 300
biological diversity is link to cultural diversity
of the 1,054 languages spoken in New Guinea, 738 originate in the New Guinea highlands
these mountains cover     % of the South Pacific island
the home of many                      peoples
Quechua people of               , Ecuador and Peru in the South American Andes
the Southern Tuchone First Nations of the southern            in Canada
Nakhi and Yi people of            Province, China
             peoples in the Mr. Everest region in Nepal
world's most important food staples were domesticated in mountains
many of these systems are still in use today, e.g. in Asia
mountains are a major draw for global               
tourism is one of the world's largest and fastest growing industries
sports and recreation
scenic beauty
meet and interact with people who live there
influx of visitors can provide
funds to promote                        development
too many people on                mountain ecosystems
loss of traditional                  values
cultural significance
places of                  embodiments
places to be exploited and developed for their natural resources
sites to be managed and                     
places to be             
testing grounds
places for salvation, embodiments of              serenity
a destination to           
sites of exclusion
debilitating poverty
places on society's margins
where                              are poor
where infrastructure, jobs, and services are sorely lacking
unique natural disasters such as floods and                      compound issues related to poverty
gentrified                        for the urban rich holiday goers
locals are realizing they are unable to              the very places where they grew up
               investment and hyperdevelopment

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

Travel classic book tip via this morning's Mountains 101 class:

"Peter Goullart, a Russian-born traveler, explorer and author, is best known for a number of books describing the life and customs of various peoples living in remote parts of East and Southeast Asia, including Forgotten Kingdom:Eight Years in Likiang.

Forgotten Kingdom is a classic of Asian travel. Peter Goullart describes, with immediacy and detail, his time, from 1939 to 1947, in Likiang in the idyllic south-western province of Yunnan on the borders of Tibet. His experiences and friendships brought him into personal contact with Lamas, the merchants, the bandits and the Tibetans, as well as the caravans that thronged the streets. He describes the customs and beliefs of the people, the suicide pacts, the exorcisms, and the life cycle ceremonies, many of which he attended. He was finally forced to flee with the arrival of the Chinese communists who brought an end to a way of life that had existed unchanged for centuries."
Why do Mountains Matter?