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Notes on video lecture:
Aeneas, Laocoon, and the Trojan Horse
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
shifting, hero, father, redouble, annihilate, Palladium, destiny, menace, lies, abandon, Carthaginian, abandonment, Trojan, serpents, sinister, Sinon, Greek
in book 2, Aeneas begins to narrate for his                          hosts, his own past
             War has ended
he experienced the fall of his beloved city
in a customary twist, modifies and extends Homer's story, tells of           
Sinon was a            warrior during the Trojan War
near end of war, Aeneas is leaving the city, sees this Sinon who says he had been abandoned
standing next to him is a giant wooden horse
said they built the horse because Athena was angry with them for stealing the                   
said that they built it so big so it could not be brought into Troy since if it was, Troy would never be able to be conquered
Laocoon [lay-AHK-oh-wahn]
a Trojan who warns that this is a lie, but                  come up out of the sea and bite and kill him
Trojans see this and now                  their urgency of bringing this horse into the city
Odysseus          quite a bit in the Odysseus and Homer admires him for doing it, Athena egging him on to lie, humans like it when he does, everyone is entertained
Virgil plays on this and has the Greeks, here Sinon, lie again
so this is the definitive account of what happened after the Trojan war
Greeks come out of the horse,                      the city
Virgil describes in great detail
with great concern of what is happening to his city
Aeneas is          figure, but ironically the first thing that he has to do is "               his ship", i.e. leave Troy
so Virgil has to start a story of                        of his home city
but plenty of good reasons:
humans, gods and ghosts come and tell him to leave
even his wife begs for him to leave
e.g. the way Venus tells Aeneas to go is very Virgilian
*** Venus peels back what is happening so he can see the gods dismantling the walls of Troy, deeply                 
*** for Homer there is an anger and rage, but for Virgil there is a kind of existential              operating behind the scenes
Virgil's world has depths of sinister forces operating compared to Homer's more two dimensional world
we thus see Tory engulfed in flames not only literally but in this broad, existential sense
Aeneas is carrying his              out of the city, a symbol of his past and tradition
he's also guiding his son by the hand, his future
Virgil's world is characterized by                  surfaces, whereas Homer is often brightly lit most of the time, we can see the obvious connections between people and events
with Virgil it's hard to get at what is basically happening
this is also happening to Aeneas, he is not going to be in command of all the things happening around him
he is being pulled along to meet this grand                but there will be lots of pain, troubles, and suffering along the way


palladium, n. [pah-LAY-dee-um] in Greek and Roman mythology, the palladium was a cult image of great antiquity on which the safety of Troy and later Rome was said to depend, the wooden statue of Pallas (Greek Athena or Roman Minerva) that Odysseus and Diomedes stole from the citadel of Troy and which was later taken to the future site of Rome by Aeneas, in English, since around 1600, the word palladium has been used figuratively to mean anything believed to provide protection or safety, and in particular in Christian contexts a sacred relic or icon believed to have a protective role in military contexts for a whole city, people or nation  "The Greeks built the horse because they understood from Athena that she was very angry with them for stealing the Palladium."


who as Laocoon
[lay-AHK-oh-wahn], trid to warn Aeneas of the Trojan Horse
Myth, History, and Virgil
The Aeneid as Roman National Identity Narrative
The Journey of Aeneas
On Reading Vergil
Aeneid: The Odyssey with a Virgilian Twist
Aeneas, Laocoon, and the Trojan Horse
Disguised Odysseus Meets Eumaeus
Telemachus and Theoclymenus
Odysseus and Circe