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Notes on video lecture:
The Laetoli Footprints of Australopithecus afarensis
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
two, volcanic, upright, 200, heel, Bauman, Abell, 1974, mammals, ape, divergent, Naturkunde, Leakey, Nile, afarensis, bipedal
Laetoli footprints
first evidence of                walking by early hominin
preserved in                  layer
not only has hominin footprints but other               
       square kilometers
1894 reported in scientific literature
Austrian geographer
was looking for the source of the          River
he got lost
collected fossils
took them back to Germany, at Berlin                      Museum
more fossils collected
more scientists wanted to come
Louis and Mary              was planning a German/British research trip, but was cancelled because of the war
         Mary Leakey came back
collected fossils
first hominin fossils
prototype for Australopithecus                   
3.85 and 2.95 million years ago
Lucy's species
1978 footprints
first evidence of                posture and bipedal evidence in hominins
3.5 or 3.6 million years ago
the more the prints are exposed
there could be more than        individuals
probably four individuals with same stature and same height
the entire footprint trail is almost 27 meters long and includes impressions of about 70 early human footprints
1978 Paul            joined Leakey's team and found the 27 meter-long footprint trail
the early humans that left these prints were bipedal and had big toes in line with the rest of their foot
his means that these early human feet were more human-like than       -like
apes have highly                    big toes that help them climb and grasp materials like a thumb does
the footprints also show that the gait of these early humans was         -strike followed by toe-off, the way modern humans walk
Rising Star Expedition - Fall 2013
Savanna Chimpanzees
The Molecular Clock
What is Biological Evolution?
The Place of Ardipithecus
Hominid Bipedality
Early Hominins
Hominin Species and Speciation
The Laetoli Footprints of Australopithecus afarensis