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Notes on video lecture:
Goethe and Eckermann
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
three, influential, intellectuals, Chinese, scandalized, poverty, garden, Law, working, public, Rome, 1832, theatrical, duke, accelerate, master, Johann, tutoring, Weimar, Finance, salary, Elegies, strange, Richardson, Vulpius, wait
Castle of             
center of Goethe's social and work life
the          had brought Goethe to Weimar as a budding writer
Goethe began to assume more and more              functions
founded an amateur                      troupe and turned it into a professional theater company
Minister of               
sent on diplomatic missions
Goethe's garden house
here 39-year-old Goethe met 23-year-old Christian               
he had just returned from         
had little formal schooling
came from a                class background
when the relationship was made public, the court was                       
the Duke, to which Goethe owed so much, essentially banished him to live in this              house
lived there for            years before he was allowed to move back to town
it was here that he spent wonderful years with Christiane
here their only son to survive was born
Goethe wrote the Roman                here
a homage both to their relationship and to Rome
             Peter Eckermann (1792-1854)
grew up in               
studied law at the Universtiy of Göttingen
wrote literature and poetry instead
a friend recommended he read Goethe
dropped out of        School to write a book about Goethe
in          sent his manuscript to Goethe entitled "Reflections on Poetry"
Goethe was 73
Eckermann did not wait passively for a response
walked to Weimar for two weeks
spent the rest of his life
wrote down his conversations with Goethe
Goethe was now living in a large house with many rooms
Goethe was very welcoming
Eckermann was looking for a              of sorts, and Goethe was looking for an all-purpose assistant
spent 9 years with Goethe before Goethe died
helped him publicized his terms
free of charge
did                  to earn enough money to pay for food and rent
never asked Goethe for a proper             
he was happy to be making acquaintance of distinguished writers and                            in Goethe's circle
Conversations with Goethe
Eckermann realized Goethe was someone very                       
Goethe told Eckermann to          before publishing them
Eckermann waited until Goethe died to publish them
they read like interviews in which Eckermann prompts Goethe to say interesting, provocative and profound things
Eckermann is not entirely passive in the conversations
responds incredulously
but mostly agreeing
sometimes puzzled and asks follow-up questions
Goethe talked of the influence of Samuel                      on his work
Goethe said he had read a                novel
Eckermann said it must have been very strange
Goethe said it was much less                than one thinks
they were more decent than the French
Eckermann said that this Chinese novel must be unusual, the exception to the rule
Goethe said nothing could be further from the truth
the Chinese have thousands of them and them, and they had them when our ancestors were still living in trees
the time has come for the epoch of world literature, and everyone must seek to                      it

Ideas and Concepts:

The birth of world literature via this afternoon's Masterpieces of Literature class: "In his book Conversations with Goethe, Eckermann tells of a conversation he had with Goethe on January 31, 1827. Goethe mentioned that he had read a Chinese novel and Eckermann replied that it must have been very strange. Goethe said that, no, it was much less strange than one would think, and that it was more decent than most French novels. Eckermann said that this Chinese novel must be unusual, the exception to the rule. Goethe replied that nothing could be further from the truth, that the Chinese had hundreds of these novels, that they had them when our ancestors were still living in trees. Goethe insisted that people must begin reading literature from other parts of the world, that the time had come for the epoch of world literature, and that everyone must seek to accelerate it."
Goethe and Eckermann
Goethe's Corpus and World Literature
The 19th Century Recovery of the Library of Ashurbanipal from 650 BC
Gilgamesh as World Literature
Themes from the Epic of Gilgamesh
Enkidu Introduced to Culture Via Shamhat
Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Humbaba and the Country
Gilgamesh and the Story of the Flood