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Early Macedon
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Thermaic, different, keels, drachmas, Pella, Greece, Axios, diciduous, Illyria, Paionia, rare, Caldedian, records, wine, beyond, Pangaion, 200, Eastern, two, grains, Hoplite, gigantic, two, overlapping, Haliacmon, tribes, early, rings, half, mountains, timber, Philip, superstate, alluvial, Vergina, artisan, ambitions, 80%, kilometers, 1000
for most of its early history, Macedonia was a potential                     
fitfully slumbered through most of that            history waiting for someone to come along and master its fiercely independent tribes and harness its rich resources
that person turned out to be Alexander's father,              II
the sheer size of Macedon potentially made it into a dominant power in Greece and even             
the Macedon city-state
refers to the empire that was carved during Philip and Alexander's reigns
refers to the original political entity located north of             
in the end the terms have more                        similarities than differences
about        of the 1000-1500 Greek city states that we know to have existed at one time or another, had territories of around 200 square kilometers (Rhode Island has a territory of over 3000 square kilometers)
Greek city states were micro-states
Macedon, however, had a territory of over 20,000 square                     
it was                  compared to Greek city-states
unlike many Greek city states, it comprised        distinct geographical regions
Lower Macedon
formed by the                  plain created by two rivers
flowed into the                  Gulf
essential Mediterranean
short, rainy winters
long, hot summers
suitable conditions for growing             , olives and grapes
the Macedonians were enthusiastic          drinkers
the existence of several year-round rivers,          in the Greek context
helped produce a much larger population than in any other Greek city-state that we know about
Greek city-state didn't keep very accurate                of their populations
but we know around 80% of them had populations over         
only about 10% had population over 10,000
the significance of these data is that since only          of the population could serve in the army at any given time
Greek city-states could put into the field                armies of somewhere between 500 to 5,000 or an absolute maximum of 10,000 infantry soldiers
on the other hand we know that in 334 BCE, the Macedonians could field an infantry army of 27,000 soldiers, roughly        and a half times as large as the army of any Greek city-state that we know about
it's not a historic accident that both           , the capital of 4th century Macedon, and Aigai [Αἰγαί] (modern               ), where the kings were buried, were located in lower Macedon
Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos unearthed the burial site of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great
Upper Macedon
consisted of the uplands and                   
stretched into the north and northwest
into                and Epirus
where Alexander's mother was born
natural resources
mineral resources
Eastern Macedon around Mount                 
silver mines
a talent of silver
6000 coins called                 
one silver drachma was the pay for one skilled                for one day's work
each year the Macedonian kings were getting 6 million drachmas worth of revenues from those mines alone
could buy a lot of body armor
climate of                Macedonia
more continental, colder winters and warmer summers
tribes that Macedonian kings tried to bring under their control
the kings of Macedon had to struggle with other rings of enemies
forests of                    and evergreen trees
harvested              for ships
oak wood which they used to lay the            of the ships
tried to subdue              in Eastern Macedonia
inner ring
Thessaly to the south
to the north
to the west
to the far south
Greek city-states of central Greece
to the far east
Persian Empire
until the Macedonia kings were able to master their own areas in upper and lower Macedon
and fend off both            of enemies around them
they could not entertain broader                   
unleashing Macedon's potential took over        years of constant warfare
led to the creation of a state that looked like a very                    kind of place to most Greeks than the city states they lived in
Alexander the Great, the Terrible, or the Insignificant
Why Study Alexander the Great?
The Importance of the Battle of Thermopylae
The Peloponnesian War and Internal Greek Struggles
Early Macedon
The Nature of Macedon
Philip II of Macedon's Military Reforms
Alexander's Cavalry Units
Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)