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Notes on video lecture:
Comparative Planetology
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
plane, habitable, debris, development, cement, spinning, ammonia, life, variation, Jupiter, mud, ices, dwarf, planet, hydrogen, habitability, Oort, Mars, volcanoes, gravity, helium, 90%, frozen, iron
comparative planetology
we see a remarkable                    of planets even in our own solar system
various forces drive the formation and                        of planets, enables us to understand
does the planet have moons, are those moons                   
each planet has a different story
each planet has certain possibilities for a home for         
long term
short term
our planetary system
three flavors of planets
1. terrestrial
rocky planets
the inner planets closest to the Sun
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and         
have a solid planetary surface, making them substantially different from the larger giant planets, which are composed mostly of some combination of                 , helium, and water existing in various physical states
a central metallic core, mostly         , with a surrounding silicate mantle
silicates comprise the majority of Earth's crust, as well as the other terrestrial planets, rocky moons, and asteroids
sand, common             , and thousands of minerals are examples of silicates
have canyons, craters, mountains,                   , and other surface structures, depending on the presence of water and tectonic activity
2. gas giants
Jupiter, Saturn
may or may not be a rocky core
built of a simple material, although in different states
composed mainly of hydrogen and             
3. ice giant
Uranus, Neptune
large compared to the Earth
much of their material is locked up in         
a mix of gases and ices in different states
consist of only about 20% hydrogen and helium in mass, as opposed to the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn), which are both more than        hydrogen and helium in mass
outermost portion of their hydrogen atmosphere is characterized by many layers of visible clouds that are mostly composed of water and               
all planets in our solar system have moons except for Mercury and Venus
Mercury = 0
Venus = 0
Earth = 1
Mars = 2
               = 16
Saturn = 19
Neptune = 8
Uranus = 15
material left over from the development of the solar system
2005 FY9
2003 EL61
quite spherical, but not as large as a             
they have not done much in terms of their gravity vacuum up material around them
one of the characteristics of a planet
the ability of the object's gravity to clear out a gap around it
small enough that they did not become spherical
not enough                to take their mass and crush it down under its own weight
essentially these are large, floating rocks
debris left over from the solar system
tends to be much more              water in these than in, e.g. asteroids
a mix of frozen water and rocks
"slushy        balls"
structure of the solar system
they are all orbiting in the same           
all the planets and most of the construction              is orbiting in a disc
some of the planets have slight inclinations but pretty much all are aligned in a single disc of rotation
the planets are pretty much all spinning in the same direction
also                  in the same direction as the Sun is spinning
belts of debris
1. Asteroid Belt
2. Kuiper Belt
beyond the orbit of Neptune
storage area for comets
3.          Cloud
storage area for comets

Spelling Corrections:

Orders of Magnitude
Comparative Planetology