These are notes and flashcards from language learning videos I watch at Yabla. Each video is about 3-5 minutes long, is in full-speed authentic Italian (e.g. from movies, or commercials, or interviews) and below the video is the text in Italian and English. If you click on a word you get the definition. I try to watch one video per day, record useful phrases as flashcards, and then write a little review of it using Google Translate and Linquee. There is also a game at the end of each video where you listen to the video again and have to guess 10 words that are blanked out. A Yabla account costs $10 per month, but if you have the time to watch a video everyday, it is worth it, as your listening comprehension of authentic language will improve greatly.

Il Commissario Manara: Ep 3. Part 12
Notes taken on January 1, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
Questo era una altro spettacolo su Commissario Manara. Sta chercando di risolvere un caso di omicidio. Mi piace questo spettacolo, perché è serio con un po 'di umorismo.
the right moment
try to understand
when you told me
I was afraid that
here's what we'll do
these, for the moment, I'll keep them
there are a bunch of
who was looking for me?
who said she was
I don't remember her
who also asked about
did she leave her number?
and have a good evening
how's mom?
this place is a prison
the other evening at eleven o'clock
no, I'm joking
tell her I'm fine
but what are you doing?