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C O U R S E 
Reason and Persuasion Through Plato's Dialogues
John Holbo, National University of Singapore
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Socrates' Approach to Argumentation
Notes taken on October 5, 2015 by Edward Tanguay
if you're a logician, then argument means something like:
a set of two or more propositions
at least one of which is a premise
at least one of which is a conclusion
a rational structure in which premises give reasons for conclusions
argument can also mean people fighting
a proof in a geometry book is an argument
an angry bar fight is an argument
if you wanted to pick the one thing in the universe that is most unlike a proof in a geometry book, an angry bar fight wouldn't be a bad choice
so why do we use the same word for both?
Alcibiades didn't like Socrates at first
those what-is-x arguments seemed oversimplified
Alcibiades came to like Socrates
but there was something attractive about Socrates
speaking well and dueling well with words was something that mattered very much to the Athenians
particularly the members of Alcibiades social class, the aristocracy
Socrates fascinated them
similar to martial arts movies in which Socrates would take down seemingly stronger men
the aristocrats didn't want to be Socrates, they just liked watching him argue to observe and learn from him how he could dismantle people's understanding of the world and show it to be flawed
but Alcibiades may or may not have been morally improved by being exposed to the mastery of argumentative skills of Socrates
a better metaphor for Socrates is playing Reversi
turns people's statements into their own opposites
Glaucon says to Socrates
people feel tripped up by your arguments
they consider them a game played with words
if one thinks words are just game tokens, then Socrates argumentation style can seem frustrating
but no one admits this since they don't want to admit that their words don't have something
but if what you say can be shown to logically be contradictory, this means you have to change what you say in order for it to not be contradictory