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C O U R S E 
Introduction to Psychology
Steve Joordens, University of Toronto
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Observational Research and the Rosenhan Experiment
Notes taken on September 26, 2013 by Edward Tanguay
approaches to seeking truth about the world
knowing by thinking
Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
you can come to understand something well enough and deeply enough simply by thinking about it and discussing it with others
knowing by the senses
Berkeley, Locke, Hume
thinking, talking and arguing wasn't enough, you could arrive at what the critical questions were but if you wanted to know the truth about the world, you can only know this ultimately through experimentation
this is what defines anything as being a science, so when you say that psychology is a science, you mean that you determine the truths through experiments
seeking questions
a large part of the scientific method is coming up with the questions
two types of research
observational research
correlational research
open to alternative explanations
seeking answers
experiments and contrasts
observational research
Jane Goodall (1934-)
world's foremost expert on chimpanzees
45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania
she wanted to understand the behavior of chimpanzees
best way was to live with them
camped out in the same areas
tried to mingle with them and watched, and observed their behavior
the presence of the observer changes behavior
the chimps behavior might have changed somewhat because of her presence
we are all informal observational researchers
based on your experience, what do you think are the answers to these questions:
are males or females better at math?
are males or females better singers?
does memory get worse with age?
do language abilities get worse with age?
are old people more likely to get depressed?
does the answer to the previous question depend on culture?
observational research generates these kinds of questions
Rosenhan experiment
suspected that clinical psychologists of their day that they could not determine accurately if people had mental illnesses or not
8 pseudopatients pretended to have hallucinations to gain access to psychiatric hospitals
answered truthfully accept that they were hearing voices that said words like "empty" or "thud"
all admitted then said they were fine, all were diagnosed with psychiatric disorders
once in, acted normally again, all forced to admit to having a mental illness
after being admitted, they acted normally to see how long it would take staff to determine that they were sane again, it took 9 to 52 days for them be released, and had to agree to take anti-psychotic drugs as a condition of their release
"it is clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals"