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C O U R S E 
The Ancient Greeks
Andrew Szegedy-Maszak, Wesleyan University
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Xerxes and the Second Invasion of Greece
Notes taken on July 21, 2015 by Edward Tanguay
Xerxes I (519–465 BC)
486 BC: took over Persia on the death of his father, Darius
capital in Perseopolis
determine to get revenge on the Greeks for the defeat that they inflicted on his father's troops
begins his rule with enormous power
Herodotus gives up a remarkable psychological portrait of the young king
in a debate as to what he should do
encouraged King Xerxes I, Darius' successor, to invade Greece
"strike back, get glory, live up to Persian standards"
Artabanus, Xerxes' uncle and advisor
not so fast
there is so much that could go wrong
we have much to lose and little to gain
we should just consolidate our powers
flies into a range
says to Artabanus, if he weren't his uncle he would kill him
then repents, says he's sorry, he's a hot head and young man
has a dream
figure appears and says to attack the Greeks
second dream
figure comes back again and says that he should not ignore his advice to attack the Greeks
a combination of advanced thinking and traditional thinking
characterizes so much of this era
uncle says that dreams are just representations of what you've been thinking about during the day
a modern psychological theory
Artabanus then wears Xerxes bed clothes, sleeps in his bed, same dream figure comes and threatens him with burning hot irons
Artabanus then changes his mind, tells Xerxes that he should attack Greece
but be careful how you do it
Herodotean pattern
having just enough
breaking some kind of boundry
by boundry of the bedroom wall for Gyges [Γύγης] and Candaules [Κανδαύλης]
the river Halys for King Croesus [Κροῖσος]
landing at Marathon for King Darius's army
Xerxes decides to go all out
has a bridge built over the Hellespont
a storm comes up and breaks it
he becomes so angry, he flogs and has chains thrown into the Hellspont waters, and decapitated the overseers
bridge is finally built
had a large armada accompanying them on the seaside
a storm occurs of the island of Euboea
Persian land army is making good progress
Athens is very concerned about the large, advancing army
there was the idea to make a wall near Corinth and move everyone down to the Peloponnese
there are still remanents of the beginnings of this wall
instead, the Spartans send a force up
make their stand at the Battle of Thermopylae
traveling with the Persians is a Spartan king in exile, Demaratus
Xerxes sends a spy out to see what the Spartans are doing
the spy reports that the Spartans playing games, exercises, combing out their long hair
Demaratus warns him that this is how Spartans behave when they are preparing to die
highlighting the cultural incomprehension that Herodotus is so interested in
480 BC: Battle of Thermopylae
Spartans have blocked narrow pass
here we see again: quality vs. quantity
Spartans hold off wave after wave of Persian attacks
finally a Greek traitor leads the Persians around on a mountain pass to the other side
Spartans are caught from behind
Spartans are annihilated down to the last man
epitaph: "Traveler, you who pass by, go tell the Spartans that, faithful to the end, here we lie"
Thermopylae has become a great battle in the imagination of the West
the evacuation of Attica
Persians continue progress down into Greece
the wooden walls prophecy
Delphi says that the Athenians should trust their wooden walls
Themistocles interprets it correctly, meaning: "our ships"
a decree that ordered the Athenians to evacuate
unclear if this was planned or a panic
Persians enter Athens, kill the few who remained there, and sacked and burned the city
Spartan King Leonidas had died at Thermopylae
480 BC: The Battle of Salamis
Themistocles sends message to Persians: Greeks are about to escape, you should cut them off
thus lures the Persians to fight in the straits near the island of Salamis
the battle proceded exactly as the Greek command expected
smaller, faster Greek ships punch apart the Persian fleet
Xerxes watched in despair
the Greek victory here sealed the Persians fate
Tthemistocles lets Xerxes escape
Persian army stays in Greece
under command of Mardonius
479 BC: Battle of Plataea
north of Athens
Greeks win
the Persian military threat was now effectively ended
Sparta and Athens have risen to a position of hegemony
now these two were first among equals in the Greek polis