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C O U R S E 
Programming Mobile Applications for Android
Adam Porter, University of Maryland
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Developing an Android App
Notes taken on June 17, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
four kinds of application components
1. Activity
users see these
enables users to give and receive
2. Service
supports long-running background operations
3. Broadcastreceiver
listens for and responds to device events
4. Contentprovider
stores and shares data between multiple applications
applications have any number of the above kinds of components
implemented as Java classes
Activity class
primary class for user interaction
an activity should provide a single, focused thing for a user to do
e.g. phone dialer
a sub-class of Activity
Service class
run in the background
run away from UI thread
e.g. music application
allows music to continue playing even when you move to another app
users a service to play the music file
listens for and responds to events
events are represented by the intent class
use e.g. sendBroadcast
e.g. the messaging application
someone wants to send me an SMS message
arrives at my phone
Android sits and waits for SMS messages to arrive and when one arrived, publishes an SMSmessageReceived intent
Content Providers
stores and shares data across applications
use database-style interface
handle interprocess communication
e.g. browser application
browser opens bookmarks in a Content
BrowserProvider extends ContentProvider
more complex application with two activities
user enters address
presses button
building an application
you get an apk file
apk is signed to identify the developer
1. define resources
apps are more than source code
layout files
you can easily alter these resources
e.g. strings
individual strings
arrays of strings
e.g. book/books
in java, you refer to them as R.string.string_name
implement applicatoin classes
package application
install and run application
you can add another language of strings by adding a directory, e.g.