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C O U R S E 
Letters of the Apostle Paul
Laura Nasrallah, Harvard University
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Paul's Letter Writing Within the Tradition of Ancient Rhetoric
Notes taken on January 21, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
you have to remember that Paul's letters did not originate packaged as a unit, they were individual letters with individual audiences and purposes
intimate and familiar
much as we engage in letter writing today
distant and unfamiliar
reading Paul's letters we are engaging in a cross-cultural and cross-historical investigation
we have to exercise our historical imaginations
e.g. consider how people sent letters in antiquity
in the ancient world, the well-educated were trained in rhetoric
about the communication of ideas
Greco-Roman education
1. elementary education
2. grammaticus training
3. rhetorical training
books still exist on progymnasmata, or rhetorical exercises gradually leading the Greco-Roman student to familiarity with the elements of rhetoric, in preparation for their own practice speeches and ultimately their own orations
asked to write as if you were Homer, Thucydides, or Herodotus, i.e. as the great writers in Greek epic, history, and ethnography
teacher of Alexander the Great
wrote his book on rhetoric in 4th century CE
connected rhetoric to ethics and politics
Paul had training in rhetoric and his writing takes part in some of the conventions that Aristotle made famous
paideia [pigh-DAY-ah]
the rearing and education of the ideal member of the polis
Greek education and culture
a goal even in the Roman era, even for someone like Paul perhaps
looking at Aristotle more closely we can understand how Paul's letters were part of a larger literary culture, also how the audiences received them
two concepts that Aristotle made famous
1. rhetoric is made up of ethos, pathos, and logos
ethos: speaker is credible and good
pathos: rouse to emotion, put the hearer in a certain frame of mind
logos: speech is a means of persuade
2. ancient writing can be divided into three forms
judicial: about an event that is over, and now much be defended or attacked
deliberative/advising: about an event in the future, what should be done to shift that event
epideictic [ep-ih-DIGHK-dik]: about an event that is occurring in the present, and one condemns or praises the audience or others
Quintilian (35-100AD)
Roman rhetorician from Hispania, widely referred to in medieval schools of rhetoric and in Renaissance writing
father sent him to Rome to study rhetoric early in the reign of Nero
book: "Institutes of Oratory", rhetoric not as used by philosopher but by the political man
provides the knowledge of how to speak well
Paul's letters are rhetorical in two ways
1. they are occasional documents, political documents sent to particular communities
so they needed to have rhetorical conventions to persuade
2. deeply informed by rhetorical conventions
he is not as well trained in rhetoric as, say, Cicero (106BC-43BC), one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists
but Paul was educated to write in order too persuade, he uses allusions, conventions, and styles indicate some form of Greek education
Paul the letter writer
what kind of ethos, how does he present himself
he presents himself, i.e. portrays his ethos, differently to the Galatians as he does to the Romans
he doesn't know the Romans
he is angry at the decisions of the ekklesiai of Galatia
Paul emphasizes the word "apostle"
Apostolos, in a Greek lexicon, is defined as messenger or ambassador
he is an apostle not by human authority but by the authority of Jesus
Paul uses language reserved for chosen prophets of the Jewish tradition
he was not an apostle who literally followed Jesus, he was an apostle because God revealed something to Paul
he doesn't even go to Jerusalem to meet those who were apostles before him, but goes away into Arabia
Paul writes not about his conversion but about his calling
Despite Carvaggio's dramatic painting of Paul falling of his horse after being blinded by light
but Paul himself does not say he was blinded
or that his name was changed from Saul to Paul
or that he's a Roman citizen
or that he is from Tarsus
these traditions are found in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter nine
Paul defines himself as brother, slave, apostle, and least of the apostles, as a gentlenurse, a father coming with a rod, as jealous of a community trying to protect them
Paul shape-shifts:
"Although I am free from all, I have made myself slave to all, that I might win the more...that I might win those outside the law...I have become all things to all, in order that I might by all means save some."
his way of presenting himself shifts according to his audience and purpose, part of his rhetorical strategy
speaks to different audiences at different times, engaged in evolving and complex relationships with these communities
he's not composing a systematic theology, he's not writing a unified corpus, or group of literature, he wrote his texts as occasional letters and did not mean them to be a unit
but Paul's letters did circulate as a unit in the ancient world very soon after they were written